The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Text editor releases ‘Free Uyghur’ edition

It’s not the first time the developer of Notepad++ (which I use as a secondary editor behind vim) released a politically-charged version of the software… I remember getting a chuckle out of the “yellow jacket edition”, which referenced a series of French protests against the current French government.

I don’t remember any of the previous versions making the news, however, or attracting this kind of attention:

While the protest may have been innocuous enough, it hasn’t played out that way online. Since the announcement, the software’s GitHub “issues” page has been bombarded with spam, much of it in the Chinese language.

This made me also notice that the Notepad++ website has changed looks last month for the first time in 8 years. Looking good. Good luck to the developer.

Yesterday evening in the park: “I wonder what that big orange light is, up ahead”

After running around the corner: “oh right, it’s just Vancouver in the fall”

I should really write a literary tabletop roleplaying game called Ampersands & Alliterations

I just installed iOS 13.1.3 and drag and drop is still utterly broken in the entire OS. This release cycle is a complete mess.

Mercurial has many little awesome features, but hg absorb is definitely one of the latest ones I started using…