The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Do you know who Rob Liefeld is? Did you make fun of his drawings? This video won’t change your opinion of him but it will do a great job of contextualizing his amazing trajectory in the comics industry.

On TTRPG First-Looks and Unboxings

Lately I’ve seen a bit of criticism about TTRPG “reviews” that are mostly about flipping through a book and sharing first impressions. I do agree that it’s wrong to call those “reviews” but frankly, most of their authors actually call them “first looks” or “unboxings” anyway, so I’m pretty sure they are aware of that.

What I disagree with is the criticism that they are “useless”. It generally takes this form: “they only read the back cover and flip through the book, and I can do that myself!” And sure, I could do that myself too… if I had the book.

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CBC News made this very good video explaining the trade imbalance between Canada and the US, and Trump’s (false) claims about “subsidizing” Canada. Spoiler alert: of course he wants our oil. And IMHO maybe later our water too.

Hey look at that, some BC Conservative party people, including their president, went to the US Nazi inauguration. If you also consider that Conservative leader John Rustad argues for working with Trump, I hope you see that maybe, errr, don’t vote Conservative?

Good morning everyone! It continues to be nicely cold and frosty over here. I like it, but the fluffy good boy complains that many sticks are too frozen to chew on!

UE5 Gameplay Cameras: Asset Changes

In this second developer diary post about Unreal Engine’s Gameplay Cameras plugin, I want to talk about the most visible change you’ll see in 5.6, which is how camera assets are organized.

In UE 5.5, you have the Camera Asset which contains the Camera Director, the Shared Transitions, and a list of Camera Rigs that it can use (see bottom left panel in the screenshot below).

The Camera Asset editor in UE 5.5
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I keep finding great videos about the Ultima series, one of my all time favourite video game franchises. I can’t remember if I already shared this one by Finntrovert but it’s so good it deserves being shared a second time anyway!