The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Gaaah. Today I had to debug multithreaded code! I expected my super clever coworker to figure it out but I think he had to work on something else… now my brain is tired 😝

Western Canada Living Quiz! You need to open this bear-proof garbage container but it’s frozen shut. Do you:

1) Urinate on it to melt the ice

2) Lick the ice away

3) Punch the garbage container

A bear-proof garbage container covered in snow and ice.

Good afternoon! Don’t forget to roll around in the snow today. You’ll feel better.

With US tariffs coming, I think we’ll see 3 kinds of Canadian politicians. Those who want to plead with the White House bullies. Those who act tough in return, but don’t have much else to say. And those who articulate ideas for national relief and targeted retaliation. You should ignore the first two.

A young Sartarite woman herds a hairy cow back to her farm… a painting by me for an as-of-yet unpublished adventure book… #Glorantha #TTRPG

I’m sad but totally not surprised by today’s news about Bioware. And make no mistake: the official communication from EA is full of corporate speak, but people were definitely laid off or assigned to projects they’re not interested in. Good luck to y’all out there.