The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Oh wow, sad news this morning. RIP David Lynch. I still have fond memories of watching the first season of Twin Peaks on several-times-copied VHS tapes in high school, and sharing theories with all my friends…

My other birthday gift this year was this “Overlook Hotel” tea mug. Look what happens when you pour tea in it.

Later today I will be on an Inside Unreal live stream, tagging along members of the #UE5 animation team. They will show some cool new 5.5 animation stuff, and I will be showing a little bit of the new camera system!

If you’re confused about who’s in line to replace Trudeau at the head of the Liberals, here’s a summary. I can’t say I’m rooting for any of these people, but Freeland, Gould, and Wilkinson look like decent choices.

One of my birthday gifts this year was a Bitmap Brothers t-shirt! I’m so happy to be able to wear this. They are one of my top 3 favourite game developers ever.

A black t-shirt with a big-ass version o the Bitmap Brothers logo in the back. Not pictured: the front has a small version of the logo over the wearer's heart.

The January chocolate delivery has arrived! These are all new chocolate makers I have never heard about before, and all bars are a comfortable 70%! This is exciting.

Four chocolate bars, along with the Origins Chocolate Bar flyer for this month's delivery.

- The Organic House, 70% Thailand
- Foundry, 70% Tanzania
- Krak 70% Belize
- Parldai (?) 70% Thailand (?)