The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

PHP is fucked up

You may be shocked by what I’m about to say but here it is: PHP is fucked up.

Well, duh

Oh, no. Wait. No you’re not shocked. You already knew it.

Today’s topic: namespaces.

PHP’s namespace implementation is fucked up. There’s really no way to say it nicely, and you will realize it 5 minutes after starting to use them, when most of your code breaks and you need to litter the beginning of your files with use statements and you really wonder what you gained in the process. It really comes down to the impossibility to import a whole namespace, and PHP’s inability to look into parent namespaces when a class is not found in the current one. Sure, I understand the first feature is actually very tricky in a dynamic language, and the second one may have been rejected because of performance reasons, but with that many downsides you have to wonder why namespaces were implemented at all. Pornel gives a good list of all those downsides in his article on PHP namespaces.

Sure, namespaces let us get rid of the PEAR naming conventions, and they work nicely with spl_autoload_register, but they also gave me my biggest WTF moment in recent history.

Consider the following code:

namespace Foo;

class BarException extends Exception

class Bar
	public function trySomethingSafe()
			throw new BarException("Catch this!");
		catch (Exception $e)
			echo "Caught exception: ".$e->getMessage();

It defines a new exception type (FooException), and a class (Bar) that does something safe by wrapping the code of the function inside a try/catch statement.

Now run this from another file:

require_once 'foobar.php';

$b = new FooBar();
catch (Exception $e)
    echo "This should never show up, right?";

Well, guess what you get in your output window? Yep:

This should never show up, right?

It’s like the first try/catch block is not catching the exception! Surely it can’t be a bug in the PHP runtime, right?

Well, of course not. It’s the user’s fault. And that’s because PHP’s namespaces suck ass.

Look at the catch statement in trySomethingSafe: it’s meant to catch all types of exceptions by specifying the top parent Exception type, but this is actually not it. See, that code is inside namespace Foo, and I didn’t specify either a use Exception at the top of the file, nor did I use Exception’s full name, Exception. Yes, that leading backslash is really super important in this case, because it makes all the difference between what you meant (the standard Exception type) and what PHP understands (a completely imaginary FooException type).

To fix the problem, replace the catch clause in trySomethingSafe with this:

catch (Exception $e)

You will then get the expected result:

Caught exception: Catch this!

The tricky thing here is that PHP doesn’t seem to care that FooException doesn’t exist. It happily runs the script, gets the exception, which is of type FooBarException, figures out that the class name does not equal to FooException, and bubbles the exception up the call stack. It doesn’t stop to check that the exception type we want to catch actually exists.

So, yeah. You need to be careful with PHP namespaces, especially when you add them to a previously un-namespaced project.

From Archos to Amazon

As you probably already know, Amazon’s tablet, the Kindle Fire, was announced a few days ago. Priced at a pretty amazing $199, its purpose is more focused than your general usage tablet like the iPad or the Xoom: it’s specifically designed for consuming content like books, music and video (preferably through Amazon’s own services, of course). Although it will probably be possible to install some other apps (through Amazon’s AppStore) to do some email and chatting and gaming and what have you, it will probably be more limited than on those bigger tablets, and will likely be only advertised as the last bullet point on the list of specs, if at all.

Now you know what else was priced around $200 and was useful mostly for consuming content like books, music and video? Yep. The Archos 70 I got last year for $249 (I got it on a discount, it was normally at $279).

Oh sure, Archos may not have been advertising their product like that. They may have advertised it along the lines of:

The most awesome Android tablet ever! Do everything you want! Web browsing! Videos and music! Email!! Games!!! Video chat!!!! This is so awesome we’re running out of exclamation marks!!!!!

Being a long time Archos user, I’m used to their bullshit and I know how to read through it. It usually translates to:

It’s rubbish at everything, especially anything web-related, but it can read any fucking video format in the universe, doesn’t come with any bullshit iTunes-like sync program, and is so much cheaper than the competition.

And as I stated last time, that was just perfect: I only wanted a good portable media player, and maybe a nicer way to read my Instapaper clips. But, of course, everytime somebody saw my small cheap looking tablet, there was a good chance the discussion would go like this:

  • “What’s that?”
  • “My Archos 70. Android tablet. I use it mainly as a portable media player, though.”
  • “Why didn’t you get an iPad?”
  • “Too big. Not enough codec support. Too expensive.”
  • “Yeah but you can do so much more with it!”
  • “Don’t care.”
  • “Come on! Apple is so awesome! The iPad is so shiny!”
  • “Yeah, whatever.”

Well it looks like Amazon found a lot of people like me out there because the Kindle Fire’s product story is exactly what I was looking for a year ago. Well… apart for that one small detail about data freedom, because I’m not sure exactly how easy it will be to get your own content onto the device, without necessarily going through Amazon (especially since most of their content is not even available outside of the U.S. anyway).

At least I’m very happy to see someone try to move the market into a slightly new direction instead of spitting out confusing all-purpose Android tablets like everyone else.

MongoDB for Lucene and ASP.NET

My latest home project (yet to be announced) is using MongoDB for storage, which led me to write a couple of libraries you may be interested in if you use that kind of database. Keep reading for the details.

MongoDB directory for Lucene

MongoDB.Lucene is what you would expected given the name: a MongoDB backend for Lucene indexes.

It’s a simple port of the standard FSDirectory using Mongo’s GridFS storage. I’m sure there’s a lot of room for improvement (performance, storage efficiency, lock reliability), but it’s working well enough for small applications.

It’s available as a NuGet package.

MongoDB providers for ASP.NET

MongoDB.Web is a set of providers for ASP.NET:

  • Membership provider
  • Role provider
  • Profile provider (not fully-featured yet)

It also contains a TraceListener that stores log events in a MongoDB collection.

This one’s got a funny story behind it. I wrote it quickly to get going with the rest of my project, and came back to it later thinking I could clean it up and publish it on the NuGet Gallery… but I got a package ID already exists error because of this similar package also called MongoDB.Web. I guess I should have checked first…

Why did I keep my own version then? Well:

  • My providers use a bit less storage in the database.
  • Provider initialization (like getting the right connection string) has more options (useful when you want to run on AppHarbor for instance, where they have pretty limited configuration customization).

The other version is however fully-featured, and probably better tested.

The extension method trick

If you’ve been writing C# code lately you should be pretty familiar with extension methods: it’s a nice compiler feature added to C# 3.0 which lets you “attach” methods to an existing type.

So for instance, if you define the following extension method:

    static class ConsoleExtensions
        public static void WriteReversed(this TextWriter writer, string message)
            writer.WriteLine(new string(message.Reverse().ToArray()));

You can write:

    Console.Out.WriteReversed("hello world!");

You effectively “extended” the TextWriter type with a new WriteReversed method in which you get a pseudo-this reference. Before extension methods, these types of methods would have been in a ConsoleHelper class of some kind – a lot less discoverable for the clients of your library.

Now, the (not so-)peculiar thing about it is that the pseudo-this variable can be null. Indeed, since this whole feature is only syntactic sugar, as they say, it’s just a more elegant way to write the following, which is a plain old function call:

    ConsoleExtensions.WriteReversed(Console.Out, "hello world!");

But it means it would look like you’re calling a method on a null object without getting slapped in the face with the infamous NullReferenceException.

You just need to add some simple parameter validation code to your extension method:

    static class ConsoleExtensions
        public static void WriteReversed(this TextWriter writer, string message)
            if (writer != null)
                writer.WriteLine(new string(message.Reverse().ToArray()));
    TextWriter writer = null;             // woah, are you crazy!?
    writer.WriteReversed("hello world!"); // woah, this is crazy!!

This trick can be pretty useful if you have an API that aims to be as minimalist as possible for the user and null is a valid case for one of the objects exposed publicly. You can already handle this with various well known techniques like wrapping or the NullObject pattern, but the extension method is a nice new alternative that’s enough in some cases and requires a minimum of code.

I’ve seen that trick used only once so far, in the excellent MvcMiniProfiler:

    using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Getting the answer to the ultimate question"))
        var result = DeepThought.Compute();
        ViewBag.UltimateAnswer = result;

Here, it’s totally OK if you disabled profiling in your web application, which means MiniProfiler.Current would return null. That’s because the Step() method is an extension method that checks for a null value provided as “this”, and doesn’t do much in that case.

Sure, they could have abstracted the profiler behind an IProfiler interface and have the MiniProfiler.Current return a NullProfiler when profiling is disabled, or something like that, but that would have been a lot more code than just using an extension method.

Formatting mongo output

If you’re working with MongoDB’s mongo command line tool and you often see yourself reading through this:

> db.contactInfos.find({"source":ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546")})

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcded"), "source" :ObjectId("4e39da93
058cfe28a039b546"), "sourceId" : "754731", "sourceUserName" : "loudej", "ful
lName" : "Louis DeJardin", "description" : "A software guy on the ASP.NET te
am and author of Spark", "avatarUrl" : "
161371928/DSC01367_normal.jpg", "websiteUrl" : "",
"location" : "Kenmore, WA", "friendCount" : 97, "followerCount" : 1428 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcdf3"), "source" : ObjectId("4e39da9
3058cfe28a039b546"), "sourceId" : "16925866", "sourceUserName" : "sebastienr
os", "fullName" : "Sébastien Ros", "description" : "", "avatarUrl" : "http:/
normal.jpeg", "websiteUrl" : "", "location" : "S
eattle", "friendCount" : 18, "followerCount" : 142 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcdf4"), "source" : ObjectId("4e39da9
3058cfe28a039b546"), "sourceId" : "768197", "sourceUserName" : "haacked", "f
ullName" : "Phil Haack", "description" : "This bio is not true.", "avatarUrl
" : "", "websi
teUrl" : "", "location" : "Bellevue", "friendCount" : 225
, "followerCount" : 15947 }

…then you may want to add toArray() at the end of your line:

> db.contactInfos.find({"source":ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546")}).toArray()

        "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcded"),
        "source" : ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546"),
        "sourceId" : "754731",
        "sourceUserName" : "loudej",
        "fullName" : "Louis DeJardin",
        "description" : "A software guy on the ASP.NET team and author of Spark",
        "avatarUrl" : "",
        "websiteUrl" : "",
        "location" : "Kenmore, WA",
        "friendCount" : 97,
        "followerCount" : 1428

        "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcdf3"),
        "source" : ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546"),
        "sourceId" : "16925866",
        "sourceUserName" : "sebastienros",
        "fullName" : "Sébastien Ros",
        "description" : "",
        "avatarUrl" : "",
        "websiteUrl" : "",
        "location" : "Seattle",
        "friendCount" : 18,
        "followerCount" : 142
        "_id" : ObjectId("4e6e9a9f058cfe01dc1bcdf4"),
        "source" : ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546"),
        "sourceId" : "768197",
        "sourceUserName" : "haacked",
        "fullName" : "Phil Haack",
        "description" : "This bio is not true.",
        "avatarUrl" : "",
        "websiteUrl" : "",
        "location" : "Bellevue",
        "friendCount" : 225,
        "followerCount" : 15947

Much more readable, isn’t it? The only problem is that mongo will, by default, return only the first 20 hits of a query (it will write “has more” at the bottom to indicate that, well, there’s more). The toArray() method, however, will get everything and print it out. This could mean printing a lot of stuff, so you may want to stick a limit(20) in between if you’re not sure:

> db.contactInfos.find({"source":ObjectId("4e39da93058cfe28a039b546")}).limit(20).toArray()

New PieCrust features

After several release candidates1 , I finally updated PieCrust to version 0.0.4.


There are quite a few nice new things in it:

  • pattern-based ability to skip files from baking
  • pagination filtering
  • multi-tag pages
  • multi-blog support
  • various bug fixes and optimizations

More details after the break.

“Skip patterns” for the baker

As part of the ongoing PieCrust cookbook, I blogged about previewing a baked site in IIS or Apache. Back then I mentioned how just one piece was missing to make it simpler: the ability to specify a pattern for files to exclude from baking. Well, I did just that.

Now, in your site configuration, you can specify an array of skip_patterns in the baker category. See the documentation for more info.

Pagination filtering

If you have a page that displays a list of posts, you can now do some custom filtering for those posts. In that page’s configuration header, add a section called posts_filters like such:

    has_tags: piecrust
    has_tags: cookbook

This will only list blog posts that have both the “piecrust” and “cookbook” tags. This is useful for example if you only want to display important annoucements on your homepage, and have a separate “news” page with all the posts.

For more info, check out the documentation on pagination.

Multi-tag pages

Edit: in PieCrust 1.0RC and above, the multi-tags syntax changed!

PieCrust can generate tag pages, like for example the page listing all my posts related to PieCrust. However, if you want to generate a page that shows all the posts related to the PieCrust cookbook, you would have to specify two tags ("piecrust" and “cookbook”)… that is, assuming you really didn’t want to create specific “piecrust-cookbook” tag.

This is now possible by separating tags with a / like so: cookbook/piecrust. Try it!

If you’re using Twig, the default template engine, or Dwoo, one of the optional ones, it means you can use the pctagurl like so:

{{ pctagurl('cookbook/piecrust') }}

The only limitation is when you bake your site: only tag combinations that you insert with the Twig or Dwoo pctagurl functions will be baked. Since you should always insert links with the pc* functions, it should be all right, but you may want to link to a tag combination from outside your website. If that’s the case, you can specify custom tag combinations to be baked. Check the documentation for more details.

Multi-blog support

PieCrust now also supports multiple blogs in the same website. I debated with myself for quite a long time before adding this feature. On one hand, it felt a bit too complicated for a system that’s supposed to feel simple and natural, but on the other hand, well, I needed it. And after much pondering, I figured out a way to make it rather simple to the user. I think. Maybe. Hopefully.

Anyway, if you have a single-blog site, you don’t have to change anything (yay!). If you want more than one blog… go check out the documentation on multi-blog sites!

Other changes

Other changes include a more clever cache validation mechanism, some new debugging features, and many bug fixes.

  1. a.k.a: Ludovic doesn’t test his shit enough before applying a version tag. ↩︎

Using Mercurial to publish a PieCrust website

These days, all the cool hipster kids want to deploy stuff by pushing a Git or Mercurial repository up to their server.

And that’s pretty cool indeed, because you basically update your website by doing something like:

hg push myserver

So here’s how you can do it with PieCrust (although 90% of this article has nothing to do with PieCrust):

  1. Installing Git/Mercurial/whatever on your server
  2. Setting up your SSH keys
  3. Pushing your repository
  4. Defining hooks/triggers

Keep reading for the meaty details…

I’m going to use Dreamhost as the hosting provider in this pseudo-tutorial, but most of the information would be valid for another provider.

Installing the DSCM on your server

As far as I can tell, Git is installed on most servers at Dreamhost, so that’s already taken care of.

For Mercurial, they seem to have a super old version so you may want to install a more recent one yourself. It’s actually pretty easy since the steps are described on their community wiki. In my case, it boiled down to:

  1. mkdir -p ~/srcs
  2. cd ~/srcs
  3. wget
  4. tar xvzf mercurial-1.7.5.tar.gz
  5. cd mercurial-1.7.5
  6. make local
  7. make install-home-bin

And then adding the new paths to my ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc:

export PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Setting up your SSH keys

If you’re using BitBucket or GitHub, you probably already have some SSH keys lying around somewhere. If not, then, well, create an account at either one (depending on whether you use Mercurial or Git). Not only are those websites super useful, but they can also help you (somewhat) with setting up an SSH access:

The Git help pages are way better than the Mercurial ones, so even if you don’t like Git you may want to check them out if you’re lost.

If your SSH access works with Git/Mercurial, then enable password-less login on your Dreamhost account (you basically just need to copy/paste your public key into an ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file… this should work on any other Unix-based host). This will make things super smooth in the future.

Pushing your repository to Dreamhost

Create a directory in your Dreamhost home to store your repository. For example, with Mercurial:

  1. mkdir -p ~/hg/myproject
  2. cd ~/hg/myproject
  3. hg init .

Now back on your local machine, in your local repository, edit the .hg/hgrc file with:

dreamhost = ssh://yourlogin@yourdomain.ext/hg/myproject

If you type hg push dreamhost, it should all work! If not… well… go back to the beginning and start again.

Things would look very similar with Git, and you should be able to do it yourself since you’re already a Git user!

Setting up hooks/triggers

Now’s the time to do actual work. The idea is to run a custom script on your server when you push updates to the repository you have up there.

For example, on the Dreamhost server and using Mercurial, you can edit the ~/hg/myproject/.hg/hgrc file and add:

changegroup = ~/scripts/

Now you only need to write the actual script! You probably want something that does:

  1. Export the repository into a temporary folder.
  2. Bake your site in that temporary folder.
  3. If all went well, copy the baked site into your home.
  4. Clean up.

This would look something like:


set -e


# Archive (export) the repo.
echo "Archiving repository to ${ARCHIVE_DIR}"
if [ -d ${ARCHIVE_DIR} ]; then
    rm -fr ${ARCHIVE_DIR}
mkdir -p ${ARCHIVE_DIR}
hg archive -r tip ${ARCHIVE_DIR}

# Bake your website
mkdir -p ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/baked
${ARCHIVE_DIR}/_piecrust/chef bake -r -o ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/baked ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/mywebsite

# Move baked website into the public directory.
echo "Copying website to ${PUBLIC_DIR}"
cp -R ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/baked/* ${PUBLIC_DIR}

# Clean up.
echo "Cleaning up"
rm -fr ${ARCHIVE_DIR}

But don’t use that script!

Obviously it won’t work for you unless you change a lot of directory names, tweak the options for chef, etc. But it should be a good starting point.

  • I recommend you test your script by first running it manually while logged in via SSH, and after changing the PUBLIC_DIR to some temporary directory. You’ll probably get it wrong a couple times at first, especially if you’re quite rusty with Bash syntax like me.
  • When it’s working as expected, do a repository push and check that the script is baking everything correctly in the temporary directory.
  • If that’s all good, then you can revert PUBLIC_DIR back to its intended path.

Now you can enjoy your new coolness: hg push dreamhost!

Don’t brick your ReadyNAS

I have a ReadyNAS NV+ at home to store most of my data and I’ve been pretty happy with it so far… except for one thing: although it’s running a flavor of Linux that you can access as root user (if you installed the EnableRootSSH add-on), you can’t do everything you would normally do with a Linux box.

File Server

First, like most pre-2010 consumer grade NASes, the NV+ runs on a sparc CPU, so there’s a lot of packages you don’t have access to unless you recompile them yourself. And that’s fine, if you know you’re going to waste your whole evening figuring out weird broken dependencies and compile errors. But, second, there’s some custom stuff in there, I don’t know what it is, but it basically prevents you from even upgrading to newer versions of some of the packages you do have access to. This means: don’t run apt-get upgrade on an NV+.

Let me repeat that: don’t run apt-get upgrade on an NV+. Ever.

What happens when you do it is that you lose SSH access, the web administration interface stops working, some of your network shares become inaccessible, and half of your left socks magically disappear. I know, I did it twice in the past (yes, I’m stupid like that).

In both cases, I was lucky enough to recover from my mistake by performing an OS reinstall. It keeps all the packages, add-ons and configuration settings you had before, and only resets the admin password to netgear1 or infrant1 (depending on the version of RAIDiator you had installed), so it almost works again right away afterwards. The downside is that if what fucked up your NAS was one of those add-ons or packages, you wouldn’t have any other option than to do a factory reset and recover your data from a backup (you at least have daily automated backups, right?). But in my case, I think it was one of the OS libraries (like glibc or something) that was causing the issue so that’s where I got lucky. Twice.

Those are the only problems I ever had with that box, so overall I’m still happy to own it. The X-RAID that comes with it makes life a lot easier (you can hot-swap disks, and you can mix different disk sizes), and the machine is small and pretty quiet (my external backup disks are louder). Unlike my media center PC, I wouldn’t have much fun trying to build my own NAS, I think.


IEnumerable is awesome

I’ve always thought that one of the most underrated features of C# is the yield statement and its companion, IEnumerable<T>. It may be because I’m working a lot with people coming from an exclusively C++ background – it takes some time to adapt to a new language with new paradigms, especially when that language can look a lot like “C++ without delete!” at first. But there are so many wonderful constructs in C# (especially in the past couple versions) that it’s a shame when people keep writing code “the old way”…

That’s why I’m going to write a few “101” articles I can refer my co-workers to (hi co-worker!).

It starts (after the jump) with how yield+IEnumerable is awesome.

The yield statement

The yield statement allows you to write a pseudo1 coroutine specifically for generating enumerable objects (which is why it is sometimes called a “generator”). The first beauty of it is that you don’t have to create the enumerable object itself – it is created for you by the compiler. The second beauty is that this generator will return each item one by one without storing the whole collection, effectively “lazily” generating the sequence of items.

To illustrate this, look at how the following piece of code will generate the all time favorite Fibonacci sequence.

public static IEnumerable<int> GetFibonacciSequence()
    yield return 0;
    yield return 1;

    int previous = 0;
    int current = 1;

    while (true)
        int next = previous + current;
        previous = current;
        current = next;
        yield return next;

The awesome thing is that it’s an infinite loop! It would obviously never return if the function didn’t behave like a coroutine: it returns the next number to the caller and only resumes execution when the caller asks for another number. It’s like you’re “streaming” the Fibonacci sequence!

You can stop any time you want. For instance:

int count = 20;
foreach (int i in GetFibonacciSequence())
    if (--count == 0)

Or, even better, using some of LINQ’s extension methods:

using System.Linq;
foreach (int i in GetFibonacciSequence().Take(20))

Performance Gains

There are many advantages to using the yield statement, but most C++ programmers are not really swayed by arguments of coding terseness and expressivity, especially when it involves “black magic” going on inside the compiler2: they usually mostly, err, yield to performance related arguments (see what I did, here?).

So let’s write a simple program that generates many “widgets”, each 256 bytes in size, and print the peak memory usage:

class Widget
    private byte[] mBuffer;

    public Widget(int size)
        mBuffer = new byte[size];

class Producer
    // The old, classic way: return a big array. Booooorriiiiing.
    public IEnumerable<Widget> ProduceArray(int count, int widgetSize)
        var widgets = new Widget[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            widgets[i] = new Widget(widgetSize);
        return widgets;
    // The new funky, trendy, hipstery way! Yieldy yay!
    public IEnumerable<Widget> ProduceEnumerable(int count, int widgetSize)
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            yield return new Widget(widgetSize);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int size = 256;
        int count = 1000000;
        ProduceAndPrint(false, count, size);    // LINE 7
        Console.WriteLine("Generated {0} widgets of size {1} (total size = {2})", count, size, count * size);
        Console.WriteLine("Memory Peaks:");
        var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
        Console.WriteLine("Virtual MemoryttPaged MemoryttWorking Set");
        Console.WriteLine("{0} Mbtt{1} Mbtt{2} Mb", process.PeakVirtualMemorySize64 / 1024, process.PeakPagedMemorySize64 / 1024, process.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1024);

    static void ProduceAndPrint(bool useEnumerable, int count, int widgetSize)
        var producer = new Producer();
        if (useEnumerable)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var w in producer.ProduceEnumerable(count, widgetSize))
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var w in producer.ProduceArray(count, widgetSize))

This prints, on average:

Generated 1000000 widgets of size 256 (total size = 256000000)
Memory Peaks:
Virtual Memory          Paged Memory            Working Set
488572 Mb               299544 Mb               293100 Mb

Now, on line 7, change false into true. This will make the Producer return a yield-enumerated bunch of widgets, instead of returning a big array. This prints:

Generated 1000000 widgets of size 256 (total size = 256000000)
Memory Peaks:
Virtual Memory          Paged Memory            Working Set
133564 Mb               14156 Mb                12984 Mb

Woohoo! That’s almost 4 times less virtual memory used, and a 25 times smaller working set! All of this because the garbage collector can now kick in during the enumeration and discard some of the widgets we’re not using anymore. You can actually print the number of garbage collections triggered using GC.CollectionCount(0) (all those widgets will be in generation 0 because they’re short lived). In the first case (returning the full array of widgets) I usually get 49 collections. For the second case (returning widgets one by one) I usually get 66 collections.

Of course, you may get frightened by all those garbage collections that would slow down your loop (C++ programmers are easily scared by garbage collectors), and that’s a legitimate concern if you’re writing a real-time ultra-sensitive application (although you’d have to check first that it would indeed be a problem). But for other kinds of applications, it can be a real life-saver – like for instance when you’re fetching huge amounts of data from a database of some sorts, and although each piece of data fits in memory, the whole batch doesn’t.3


If you want more meaty stuff on all this, I recommend reading Raymond Chen’s series: part 1, part 2, part 3 and part4. You can also have a look at the fun traps that await you as told by Eric Lippert: part 1 and part 2.

  1. “pseudo” because the actual compiler-generated implementation uses a simple state machine. ↩︎

  2. It’s not even all that black, since you can easily look at the generated code, but it does feel magical! ↩︎

  3. This is obviously supposing you don’t have referencing between each item, but even then you could use additional lazy-loading and caching to still only have a subset of your whole dataset in memory. ↩︎

XBMCFlicks in Canada

I recently cut the cord, as they say, giving up cable TV in favor of Netflix and generally doing more productive things otherwise (which is easy since Netflix up here in Canada doesn’t have nearly as much content as in its home country). The problem was then to figure out how to access Netflix’s streams at home.

The web interface works well enough but is obviously not suited for using from the couch (even with that very handy Rii remote). The other official options are devices that I don’t have, except for the Xbox360 and the Wii. I haven’t tried it on the Wii yet, but I know I certainly don’t want to use my Xbox360 since it’s loud as hell and I’d need to wait for it to boot up before I could watch anything… so I went the unofficial route, as it’s often the case with guys like me.

I started with Boxee, since it’s a lot better than XBMC when it comes to apps and its Netflix app looks very nice. The problem was that it’s only supported in the US at the moment (except on the Boxee Box itself). I tried tweaking the app’s code to make it work in Canada and eventually got that somewhat working, but it was a lot more effort than what I expected (maybe I’ll post about that later if I get it in a state I’m happy with, unless the Boxee guys actually release an update that fixes the problem). Still, it was a nice way to keep Python programming fresh in my mind.

I then reverted back to XBMC, which I’m a big fan of, and its XBMC-Flicks add-on, which lacks style but is at least functional and supports Canada. Still, there were a few blocking issues so I had to go in the code and change a few little things. I uploaded my fork on Github, so you can grab it from there and try it for yourself if you’re a canadian XBMC/Netflix user. Those fixes should be integrated into the offical add-on soon anyway.