I’m considering getting some gaming mat. Anybody got recommendations between Quiver mats, Tabletop Companion, and Big Viking mats?
I’m considering getting some gaming mat. Anybody got recommendations between Quiver mats, Tabletop Companion, and Big Viking mats?
Gen Con 2019 is over and the Ennie Award winners have been announced!
My first thought while going through the list is that the venerable Masks of Nyarlathotep has still got it. The new edition grabbed the Best Adventure award, probably thanks to Chaosium not only further expanding the text but also adding high quality art and fixing some of the most egregious problems with the gender and ethnicity of NPCs. Plus, the HPLHS got 2 Masks-related awards, one for their prop set (which, sadly, I got only after my group ended the campaign…) and one for their radio show, which is a lot of fun to listen to.
Call of Cthulhu in general was well represented with a bunch of other awards for the new Terror Australis edition, the excellent Starter Set, and the new Cthulhu Invictus guide.
Some “Call of Cthulhu-adjacent” things also won a few spots, with The Fall of DELTA GREEN nicely grabbing the Best Setting award, and other awards going to the Miskatonic University Restricted Collection board game, Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for 5E, Seth Skorkowsky’s YouTube channel (I only started recently but I like it so far), and the ever entertaining and informative Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff podcast.
Finally, Chaosium grabbed a few other non-Cthulhu-related wins with the gorgeous RuneQuest slipcase winning Best Interior Art and, again, overall Best Publisher award (this time gold!).
So yeah, Chaosium and Call of Cthulhu did quite well this year… Eric Tenkar was asking over in his tavern why that is, but if you look at the past two years of Ennie awards, they had also been doing quite well back then too. That said, I think there’s a few factors at play:
There were a few surprises for me:
The point of the Ennies is also partly about discovering some new cool stuff:
That’s it! Now if only I could some day make it to Gen Con…
I love that when we go to the nearby parc for a quick picnic, our cat Lestat comes with us!
Here’s some interesting interview over at Buzzfeed with the Twitter dev who implemented the retweet, and who regrets it. Manton Reece mentioned that Micro.blog doesn’t have this feature, for the same reasons detailed in the article. Good to know.
Catching up with some reading during the vacation
Just woke up, don’t mind me
I’m super honoured to have recently been featured on the “Uses This” website! I don’t know how I ever ended up in such a cool place, given how most of the other people there are so talented, famous, or both, but hey, I’m there, so if you’re interested in my home and work setup, here you go!
Ah the good old days! Rolemaster is what got me into “crunchy” TTRPG systems back in high school! It’s fun to dig back into it…
Over at the ENWorld forums there’s a thread based on a tweet by TheDiceMechanic about an 80’s reader poll from White Dwarf, a very popular UK gaming magazine from back in the days. I totally love how the Judge Dredd RPG shows up in the top 5 most played games… so 80’s British! Also notable is that the Toon RPG is in the top 20… which is probably about right since I haven’t played that since high-school. Oh the good ol’ days…
According to my wife, I have “too many t-shirts” (as if that was a thing). Turns out that’s far from accurate since I don’t even have a hundred t-shirt: I barely have 80 of them.
And I know that because I counted them when I made the important decision to switch from them all being folded on shelves to them being all on hangers.
While sorting through my t-shirts, I found a couple, ahem, “collector’s items” that I haven’t worn in decades… like one I got for 3dsmax 4’s release in 2000 back when Discreet was the publisher (remember when Autodesk didn’t own everything?), or the one I got with Wing Commander 3’s “premier” edition (which came in a replica of a 35mm film case, with a “Behind the Scenes” VHS tape!).
Anyway, along the way, I started collecting a few stats about my t-shirt collection and, well, this is my blog, so if I want to post completely useless graphs about the type of t-shirts I own, this is definitely the only place where I can do so without having to justify anything!
Without further ado, here it is:
The chart is organized by theme, so some t-shirts are sometimes counted multiple times – there’s no point adding the numbers together. A funny t-shirt about Cthulhu would be counted in “Funny” and “H.P. Lovecraft”.
Some more notes:
Of course, these stats are going to get out of date pretty quickly since, now that I know I don’t have a hundred t-shirts yet, I might go a shopping spree. Don’t tell my wife…