What the fuck is happening after jazz harmony level 5, aaaaaah https://www.youtube.com
What the fuck is happening after jazz harmony level 5, aaaaaah https://www.youtube.com
I should really write a literary tabletop roleplaying game called Ampersands & Alliterations
I just installed iOS 13.1.3 and drag and drop is still utterly broken in the entire OS. This release cycle is a complete mess.
Mercurial has many little awesome features, but hg absorb
is definitely one of the latest ones I started using…
TFW you realize your DriveThruRPG account has 200 never downloaded files, and 150 updated files.
Oh hey, look what kind of Glorantha loot I managed to get my hands on!
Marou chocolate tasting samples…. yum.
Oh Vancouver, you magnificent bastard
iOS13 review so far: it keeps advertising Apple Pay and has utterly fucked certain workflows like using Opener. But I guess Dark Mode is nice?
Oh joy: over time, Python’s regex module has changed which characters it escapes or not…