The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

The wife gave me this joker gift… can’t wait to drink out of it on my first face to face game! (if we ever go back to those)

I received my Tactical Tokens! When are we playing RPGs face to face again?

You know you live in British Columbia when you and your kids see a bear cross the road, but later at dinner the kids don’t even mention it to their mom because it was notable enough

Heads up: the BC health authorities now each have a website listing their recent public exposure events, so check those out for contact tracing #COVID19

Being half Southeast African, I grew up with an Asian tradition when it comes to rice, so I very much FEEL ALL THE SAME THINGS when I watch white people try to cook rice 😂😱

Given the “D&D players who only play D&D” stereotype, I find it very ironic that my kid, who’s playing in some D&D-like Fortnite game mode, refuses to try a more “proper” RPG game like Baldur’s Gate or whatever I suggest. “It’s good enough for me in Fortnite”, he tells me 😆