The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

I received my Tactical Tokens! When are we playing RPGs face to face again?

You know you live in British Columbia when you and your kids see a bear cross the road, but later at dinner the kids don’t even mention it to their mom because it was notable enough

Heads up: the BC health authorities now each have a website listing their recent public exposure events, so check those out for contact tracing #COVID19

Being half Southeast African, I grew up with an Asian tradition when it comes to rice, so I very much FEEL ALL THE SAME THINGS when I watch white people try to cook rice 😂😱

Given the “D&D players who only play D&D” stereotype, I find it very ironic that my kid, who’s playing in some D&D-like Fortnite game mode, refuses to try a more “proper” RPG game like Baldur’s Gate or whatever I suggest. “It’s good enough for me in Fortnite”, he tells me 😆

Nice, the guy at the computer store recognized my GORUCK backpack. I guess we’re some kind of secret cult or something?