The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

My other birthday gift this year was this “Overlook Hotel” tea mug. Look what happens when you pour tea in it.

Later today I will be on an Inside Unreal live stream, tagging along members of the #UE5 animation team. They will show some cool new 5.5 animation stuff, and I will be showing a little bit of the new camera system!

If you’re confused about who’s in line to replace Trudeau at the head of the Liberals, here’s a summary. I can’t say I’m rooting for any of these people, but Freeland, Gould, and Wilkinson look like decent choices.

One of my birthday gifts this year was a Bitmap Brothers t-shirt! I’m so happy to be able to wear this. They are one of my top 3 favourite game developers ever.

A black t-shirt with a big-ass version o the Bitmap Brothers logo in the back. Not pictured: the front has a small version of the logo over the wearer's heart.

The January chocolate delivery has arrived! These are all new chocolate makers I have never heard about before, and all bars are a comfortable 70%! This is exciting.

Four chocolate bars, along with the Origins Chocolate Bar flyer for this month's delivery.

- The Organic House, 70% Thailand
- Foundry, 70% Tanzania
- Krak 70% Belize
- Parldai (?) 70% Thailand (?)

The Kalikos Expedition, a yearly Lunar mission to fight the gods of winter in order to maintain a mild weather across the Imperial Heartlands… a drawing by me for The Winter King! #Glorantha #TTRPG