And I’m done with my talk, yay! #gdc

And I’m done with my talk, yay! #gdc
Well, this is it! #gdc
Next week I’ll be at the Game Developers’ Conference, along with a lot of people from the video game industry, and I’ll be giving my first presentation there, “A Tale of Three Data Schemas”.
I’m starting small for my first GDC contribution by presenting during the “pre-conference” days that half of the attendees skip. This year should be super interesting however since it will be a full day dedicated to the fine art of making game creation tools, courtesy of the fine folks at The Toolsmiths.
The good thing for my nerves is that my presentation ended up being the very first presentation of the very first day – surely when half the audience is low on caffeine and completely jet-lagged, nobody will notice whether I know what I’m talking about or not… and then I’m done for the rest of the week! Yay!
Last year I announced PieCrust 2.0 without much fanfare and, guess what, here comes PieCrust 3.0 now!
The funny thing is that I didn’t post much about PieCrust during that whole time… the joke about blog engines is that the more you work on them, the less you actually use them.
So as is tradition, I released the new version of PieCrust on the Python package server and immediately found a bunch of new bugs, which I proceeded to fix (we’re now at PieCrust 3.1.1)… I’m not very good at this whole thing, even after several years.
But either way, it’s out! You can run pip install piecrust -U
and read the rest of this post if you want to know what’s new.
This release has breaking changes so make sure you read the upgrade notes this time around.
The highlights in this release include:
There is a new concept however, which is the concept of a “content pipeline”, which is the thing that knows how to render a source’s contents. It’s a lot less user facing though – in most cases users don’t need to bother with it.
In the PieCrust 3.0 cycle I’ll actually be mostly looking at adding more IndieWeb technologies like Micropub – Webmention is next, which will let your site display comments.
chef serve
, you can have PieCrust monitor your assets (like CSS/JS files) and re-process them when you edit them (unless you’re using another more sophisticated asset pipeline like Gulp or Webpack or whatever). In PieCrust 2.0 it was using a very basic polling system, but now it’s using Watchdog, which means it works with your OS to get notified of file changes. The main upside is a more efficient file monitoring that’s a lot more battery friendly for laptop users. As always, if you see any bug, report it on the GitHub issue tracker.
Got my Doublesix dice to play some GURPS with style!
The Vancouver hot chocolate festival is up!
Happy new year!
(and of course while I was taking this photo, one of the kids tried to walk on the ice despite my previous warnings and filled his boot with cold water… yay parenting!)
Merry Christmas to myself 😇 And happy holidays to you all!
I need to stop backing RPGs on Kickstarter, I clearly won’t be able to play them all… but look at how pretty they are!
Such a lovely new book smell!