The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Upgrading to PieCrust 2

The recently announced PieCrust 2 is all fine and dandy if you were to create a new website – the command line interface and user experience are essentially the same out of the box – but you will find that it can’t handle an existing PieCrust 1 website. This is because a few things have changed… luckily, the chef import command and this blog post will get you going in no time!

Installing PieCrust 2

First, get PieCrust 2 on your system:

  • Install Python 3.
  • Run pip install piecrust in a console.

If you want to install the bleeding edge (read “unstable”) version directly from BitBucket or GitHub, instead of the latest posted release from the Python package manager, you can do one of:

  • pip install hg+
  • pip install git+

There are many other options if you want to install PieCrust for advanced scenarios. See the pip documentation.

Check that everything’s OK by running chef --version. At the time of writing, you should get something like 2.0.0-alpha2.

Note: If you still get a 1.x version, you probably have the PieCrust 1 directory showing up first in your PATH environment variable, so go change that (or delete PieCrust 1 altogether!).

Upgrading a PieCrust 1 website

The chef import command was previously used for importing content from other CMSes like WordPress. Now it can also import content from a PieCrust 1 website, and even upgrade it in place. Get in your website and try:

chef import piecrust1 --upgrade

You’ll notice that a lot of things got moved. The previous layout for a website looked like this:

+ root
|- _cache/
|- _content/
|     |- config.yml
|     |- pages/
|     |- posts/
|     |- templates/
|- css/
|- images/
|- lots/
|- of/
|- other/
|- crap/
|- whatever
|- .gitstuff

Now it looks like this:

+ root
|- _cache/
|- assets/
|     |- css/
|     |- images/
|     |- other-crap/
|- pages/
|- posts/
|- templates/
|- config.yml
|- whatever
|- .gitstuff

Basically, the _content directory is gone… everything got moved up one level, while all the asset files (CSS, images, fonts, etc.) got moved into an asset folder1.

The benefits of this change are:

  • It looks better! There’s no more mix of different “things” at the root level (magic folders, assets, source-control files, miscellaneous things…). Instead, “things” are arranged in different folders that are almost self-explanatory (mostly because you can choose them!).
  • All the assets that should be processed and copied as part of the bake are in assets. Anything that’s only for development purposes (source control files, miscellaneous stuff) can be in the root directory, or in a different folder than assets, and they won’t be picked up by the bake. This prevents a lot of “oh shit” moments where you forgot to add something to the baker/skip_patterns config and a whole bunch of files are baked but you didn’t mean to.
  • It’s going to be easier to manage interoperability with other tools such as Grunt, by having such external tools operate on other top-level directories.

A few other things also changed, mainly because of the move from Twig to Jinja as the default templating engine. Although they’re very similar, they do have some differences in terms of built-in functions and filters.

  • An example is that Twig’s slice filter maps to an array notation in Jinja (so {{items.slice(3, 6)}} becomes {{items[3:6]}}), and Jinja’s slice does something completely different (although very useful)!
  • Another example is date formatting, which is different between PHP and Python.

The importer will try to fix those things automatically for you (or at least warn you about it and provide guidance), but it’s probably going to miss a few ones since I only know about those I ran into while upgrading my own websites. Please report any such problems, thanks.

Unsupported features

PieCrust 2 is not quite feature complete compared to PieCrust 1 – I can’t reasonably wait until 100% of the feature set is implemented before getting it out there for feedback.

Here are things I know are missing:

  • Running as a CMS: there’s not much code needed for that, but there’s no WSGI application class yet.
  • A plugin API: not much code needed yet either, but yeah, you can’t at the moment drop anything in the plugins folder, it won’t get loaded.
  • Slugification of taxonomies: tags and categories containing non-ASCII characters will keep them for now. PieCrust 1 had options for transliterating them into their non-accentuated/ASCII counter-parts.
  • Support for RSS/Atom feed scaffolding (chef prepare feed).
  • Mustache as an alternative template engine.

There are also probably things I don’t know are missing, so make sure you ping me if something you care about is not on this list.

In the next blog post, we’ll finally take a look at the new features in PieCrust 2, including the completely new underlying system for specifying pages, taxonomies, and URLs.

  1. Don’t worry, it’s configurable. You can put your asset files in a
    different folder, or even in multiple folders. ↩︎

Announcing PieCrust 2

I’ve been busy on it for longer than I expected – neglecting the freshly announced Wikked along with several pull requests on PieCrust – but I believe it’s at last ready for a public alpha release: PieCrust 2 is here!

073/365 - Pi Day Pies, 2012

WARNING: before you go clone the new repository, be aware that, at the time of writing this, it has been tested on a glorious total of 2 machines (both my own), and 2 websites (both my own as well). So don’t use it in production, but please do give it a try and post bug reports, thanks!

This post is a short overview of the reason for going a full major version number up, and of the new things you can expect to find. There will be other posts in the following days about breaking changes and upgrade paths, and a more in-depth look at the new features.

Bye bye, PHP

To say that this is a major rewrite of PieCrust would be an understatement: I moved the project over to Python, which means it’s a 100% rewrite. This may upset some users who only know PHP (or at least don’t know and/or like Python)… but this is for the best, I assure you.

First, one of the design principles of PieCrust was always to look language-agnostic. Unlike many other static website generators out there, there’s no “leak” between the underlying implementation of PieCrust and the user experience, i.e. you’re not exposed to PHP-isms at any time while using it1. This makes it easy to change the platform on which it runs without you being affected much.

Second, the reason I picked PHP for the first implementation of PieCrust, more than 3 and a half years ago, is that it felt to me it was the lowest barrier of entry for potential users. Other static website generators embrace their hacker roots, but I wanted something simple enough that any WordPress user would be able to pick it up and try it. Nowadays, people are a lot more used to installing various things to tinker with – Git, Node, Ruby, whatever. The barrier of entry doesn’t seem to be so much at the platform level.

Those two reasons meant I could look at other platforms and figure out which one has what it takes for what I have in mind for the future of PieCrust.

Packaging and distribution

One thing that quickly became annoying in PieCrust 1 was package management (both PieCrust itself and its dependencies) and distribution (how people get PieCrust on their machines). Composer has been an incredible improvement over the venerable PEAR, but both are still a few extra steps away and more complicated than they should be.

Comparatively, gem, npm, and pip are a lot simpler and, better yet, come by default with Ruby, Node, and Python 3 respectively. Getting rid of my custom installer was an appealing thought. The PieCrust 2 install instructions would basically amount to:

  1. Install Python 3
  2. Run pip install piecrust

That’s much better, especially when you think that the upgrade path and hosting are all taken care of for me.


But it was performance that was the major reason I switched development platforms.

The problem was not that PHP itself was not fast enough – it’s actually doing OK in the overall category of interpreted languages. The problem is that, because it’s got so much usage as a web programming language, it’s lacking a lot of features as a scripting language. One of those features is an API for multi-threading2.

To be honest, I should have thought about it back when I started PieCrust, that I would eventually need parallel processing… but it’s never to late to change direction, which is what I’m doing with PieCrust 2.

To give you an idea of how much this impacts performance, here’s a little graph. It shows the time it takes to bake my blog (the one you’re reading now!) using Octopress (the most popular static website generator around), PieCrust 1, and the newly written PieCrust 2. Obviously, shorter is better.

Octopress takes around 21 seconds3, PieCrust 1 takes around 11 seconds4, and PieCrust 2 takes around 6.5 seconds! And that’s even before I’ve made any optimization pass specific to this new codebase!5.

So yes, there is quite a substantial gain after the move to Python and parallel baking already. And that’s even before I can get into other improvements… for example, chef serve will be able to start a background thread to monitor changes to static assets on the file-system instead of checking for them when HTTP requests come in. This should make the preview server much snappier when you’re refreshing a page that has several images or CSS sheets.

Next post we’ll look at how you can upgrade your existing PieCrust 1 website to version 2, since I took the opportunity of a major version bump to clean up a few things I didn’t like anymore.

  1. Except for date formats. Sadly, date formats are very much tied to the
    underlying framework – unless you implement your own wrapper syntax – and this
    is one annoying breaking change when upgrading to 2.0. I’m open to ideas to fix
    that of course! ↩︎

  2. There are a couple extensions available to fill the gap, but they’re just
    terrible. ↩︎

  3. And that’s only for the posts on this blog, along with the tag pages, with
    simplified markup… my crude interop script strips out code highlighting blocks
    and other expressions (e.g. {{foo}} expressions). I’m
    expecting the real thing would take an additional second or two. ↩︎

  4. See how little it matters whether PHP sucks more or less than Ruby? Design
    and implementation are a lot more important for the big gains. ↩︎

  5. Most optimizations from PieCrust 1 were ported over to the Python codebase
    already. ↩︎

DRM-free backup on Comixology

Me, a few months ago after the “scandal” of Comixology removing the ability to buy comics directly from inside their iOS app:

I would hope ComiXology manages to revert the change, but frankly I’d rather put my hopes in more DRM-free comics available directly from the creators and publishers instead.

Well my hopes have been answered in a way: Comixology announced last week that you would be able to download DRM-free versions of your Comixology books for publishers who are OK with that:

The first wave of participating publishers making their books available as DRM-free backups include Image Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, Zenescope Entertainment, MonkeyBrain Comics, Thrillbent, and Top Shelf Productions. In addition, creators and publishers that are self-publishing through comiXology Submit are now able to choose to make their books available with a DRM-free backup.

No surprises here about the publishers who are indeed “OK with that”, since they’re the ones who were already offering DRM-free comics on their own website… but those are excellent news. I can’t stress enough how huge this is.

I’m not sure whose idea it was – whether publishers like Image pressured Comixology to do this, or whether Comixology came to this logical conclusion on their own – but I’m very happy either way. As I said before, I had completely stopped buying Image comics from Comixology, preferring instead their own DRM-free website… but that website was slow as hell and barely usable. Ideally I’d rather give 100% of my money to Image, instead of – probably – 70% through Comixology, but the usability is night and day between the two, and uploading independently acquired files to an iPad is still a huge pain in the ass1.

“For those out there who have not joined the comic reading community because of DRM – you have no excuse now,” said co-founder and Director of ComiXology Submit John D. Roberts


The only problem I’ve found so far is that those backups are extremely bare: just a ZIP file with the pages as JPEG images. They’re the “retina” hi-res versions, so that’s good, but the archive is missing any kind of metadata. The only way to know what it is, short of having a human open it and read the cover, is to parse the file name.

  1. Something I’m hopping will be greatly improved in iOS8. ↩︎

ComiXology Scandal

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you can’t have missed the news that ComiXology released a new version of their mobile app that drastically changes how comics are purchased. It was reported on technology, gadget, Applerelated, and of course comicbook-related websites. It was even discussed heavily on RPG forums.

A summary of the situation is that:

  • The iPad/iPhone app doesn’t have in-app purchases anymore – you’re forced to buy directly from the web by switching to Safari.
  • The Android app still has in-app purchases, but as I understand it they don’t go through Google Play anymore and, instead, directly hit ComiXology’s servers.

Of course, the internet being what it is, a lot of people are pissed off and are voicing their rage on social networks. I’m not happy with the change either but I’m going to try and articulate my more moderate opinion in a few points here.

It’s probably too soon

The comics industry was in very, very bad shape until recently. Digital comics revived a moribund market in a completely unprecedented way, largely thanks to ComiXology on the iPad. Digital comics let new readers discover series at their own pace without having to enter an intimidating comicbook shop and browsing through stacks of TPBs to find the first story arc. When everything is just a tap away, especially single $2 issues instead of $15 collected volumes, it’s much easier to try things and, eventually, start following one of them. Impulse buying was a big part of ComiXology’s success and the market’s recovery.

But I’m not sure the market has recovered enough at this point. Adding several extra steps between the reader and a purchase may discourage a big percentage of users who are still casual readers and not “fans” yet, and effectively stop to the inertia accumulated over the past couple years.

Profit trumps user experience

It is clear now that this change was made to align with Amazon’s strategy after they were acquired. Amazon is a company that has always walked an extremely fine line of near-zero margins in almost all aspects of their business.

So it’s not surprising that they’re first doing to ComiXology what they did with the Kindle app: avoid the 30% tax that Apple and Google have on their in-app purchasing systems. And it makes sense to do so when you already have your own micro-transaction infrastructure in place, which is the case with Amazon.

The problem is that Apple completely forbids developers from using their own system… and in this case, Amazon chooses their margin over their users’ experience.

That’s extremely disappointing but, again, not surprising coming from Amazon.

Glossing over details

Another disappointing aspect of this whole affair was how unclear the announcement was. This is the email I received:

Dear Comics Enthusiast,

We have introduced a new comiXology iPhone and iPad Comics app, and we are retiring the old one. All your purchased books will be readable in the new app once you’ve downloaded it and taken the following steps:

  • In the original Comics app, log into your comiXology account.
  • Sync your in-app purchases to your comiXology account by tapping the Restore button on the Purchases tab.
  • Download the new comiXology app. This will be your new home for downloading and reading comics.
  • Start shopping on New purchases will appear in the “In Cloud” tab in our new app.

Read this a couple times and tell me if you would have understood what it was all about. It says there’s a new app, but it never says why. Why are they switching to a new app instead of just updating the same one? And where does it say you won’t be able to purchase directly from the app anymore?

This is unacceptably bad communication.

It’s unclear where the money goes

And what happens with that 30% that ComiXology is going to save on each transaction? It’s totally unclear whether this will be redistributed in any way to the creators and publishers.

It would have been extremely easy for ComiXology to mention that more money will go to creators in order to get all fans behind the change. Instead, we’re left to assume this all goes into Jeff Bezos’ pockets… probably because that’s exactly what will happen.

Not really a change for me

That said, since the beginning of the platform, I’ve been buying comics directly on in the hope that this meant more money for the creators… and if not, at least I was giving more money to a small but growing company that was making the industry better. So the new iPad app is effectively not changing anything as far as I’m concerned… except that now I’m not sure where this extra money goes anymore.

Pricing and delayed releases

Some people have mentioned that moving to a true web store will let ComiXology and publishers set a finer pricing scale, i.e. comics sold at, say, $1.50 (Apple enforces price points of $0.99, $1.99, $2.99, and so on). This may prove beneficial, but given that it’s Amazon we’re talking about, it may prove to be another opportunity to put pressure on publishers’ margins.

It will also remove the occasional hassle of issues being delayed, or even blocked, by Apple’s crazy stupid approval process because – shocking! – some of them contain adult material. But then again, it was easy enough to switch to the web store for only those rare issues.

ComiXology is becoming obsolete anyway

Another reason I’m less annoyed by this change is that ComiXology was having a decreasing presence in my reading habits anyway. Image Comics has been offering DRM free comics for a while now, so I effectively stopped buying anything from Image in ComiXology. Most Marvel titles I don’t really need to own so I’m reading them through Marvel Unlimited. This leaves DC/Vertigo titles and indie comics, and those are increasingly purchaseable directly from the author…


So all in all, I don’t care that much about the change from a personal user experience point of view, but it does make me worried about the future of the industry. It also doesn’t shine a good light on Amazon – although I guess that’s the least of their worries.

I would hope ComiXology manages to revert the change, but frankly I’d rather put my hopes in more DRM-free comics available directly from the creators and publishers instead.

Meeting Notes

These past couple years my free time has been consumed by work on PieCrust, Wikked, and, oh, yeah, having 2 kids and 2 cats (what I was thinking, I don’t know). As a result, I haven’t been playing music or drawing much, which I miss a lot.

So I started doing it at work. Well, not playing music, because a drumset in the middle of the open-space would probably be frowned upon, but drawing and doodling.

The result is a whole bunch of post-it notes with some pretty decent art, which I’ve collected over on a “Meeting Notes” page. Check it out!

Wikked Performance

Since I announced Wikked here, I’ve been mostly working on fixing bugs, editing the documentation1, and evaluating its performance – which is what we’ll look at here today.

The big question I wanted to answer was how far you can go with just the default configuration, which is based on SQLite and requires no setup from the user. The reason for this was twofold:

  • I needed to write some advice in the documentation about when you should start looking into more sophisticated setups.
  • I plan to setup a public test wiki where people can try Wikked directly, and I needed to know if it would go down after I post the link on Reddit or HackerNews.

Initial assessment

The first thing I did was to figure out the current status of the code. For this, I took the first stress-test service I could find (which was Load Impact), and got my own private wiki tested.

  • This private wiki runs on the same server as this blog, which is a fairly under-powered server since almost all of my public websites are just static files, thanks to PieCrust: it’s a Linode VPS with only 512Mb of RAM.
  • The test requests a dozen different pages from the website, continually for around 10 seconds, with only a fraction of a second between each request. It increases the number of “users” running that test over time.

Here are some of the results:

As you can see, as the number of concurrent users increases, loading a page stays on average under a second, at 800ms. Then, around 20 concurrent users, things break down horribly and it can take between 3 and 10 seconds to load a page.

For a website running with SQLite on a server so small that Linode doesn’t even offer it anymore2, and designed mainly for private use, I think it’s pretty good. I mean, I initially didn’t plan for Wikked to run for groups larger than 10 or 15 people, let alone 20 people at the same time!

Still, I can obviously do better.

Request profiling

Werkzeug supports easy profiling of requests, so I added an option for that and looked at the output in QCacheGrind3. As I thought, pretty much all the time is spent running the SQL query to get the cached page, so there’s little opportunity to optimize the overall application’s Python code.

In Wikked, SQL queries are done through SQLAlchemy. This is because even though those queries are simple enough that even I could write them by hand, there are subtle differences in SQL dialects depending on the database implementation, especially when it comes to schema creation. I figured I would bypass the ORM layer if I need to in the future.

SQLAlchemy can be forced to log all SQL queries it generates, and that highlighted many simple problems. I won’t go into details but it boiled down to:

  • A couple of unnecessary extra queries, which came from my object model lazily loading stuff from the database when it didn’t need to.
  • Loading more columns than needed for the most common use-case of reading a page. Some of them would generate JOIN statements, too.

I also realized I was doing my main query against an un-indexed column, so I changed the schema accordingly… derp duh derp (I’m a n00b at this stuff).


Now I was ready to run some more stress tests and see if those optimizations made a difference. But although Load Impact is a very cool service, it’s also a commercial service and I was running out of free tests. I didn’t want to spend money on this, since this is all just hobby stuff, so I looked for an alternative I could setup myself.

I found a pretty neat library called FunkLoad, which does functional and load testing. Perfect!

I started 4 Amazon EC2 instances, wrote an equivalent test script, and ran the test. To make it work, I had to install FunkLoad from source (as opposed to from pip), and troubleshoot some problems, but it worked OK in the end.

Without my optimizations, I got slightly better average page loads than before – probably coming from the fact that both my EC2 instances and my Linode server were on the west coast, whereas Load Impact was running from the east coast.

With the optimizations, however, it looked a lot better:

As you can see, Wikked on my small server can now serve 40 concurrent users without breaking a sweat: 300ms on average, and always less than 1s. And it could probably handle up to 50 or 60 concurrent users if you extrapolate the data a bit.

Moar hardware!

Next, I figured I would try to see if it made any difference to run the same setup (Wikked on SQLite) on a beefier server. I launched an EC2 instance that’s way better than my Linode VPS, with 3Gb of RAM and 2 vCPUs.

Well: yes, it does make a difference. This bigger server can serve 80 concurrent users while staying under the 1 second mark most of the time. Yay!


Those numbers may not seem like much but this is as good a time as any to remind you that:

  • I’m sticking to sub-1s times as the limit, because I like fast websites. But I could easily move the limit up to 1.5 seconds and still be within a generally acceptable range (e.g. from my home laptop, Wikipedia serves its pages in around 1.3 seconds).
  • This is about testing the most simple Wikked setup, based on SQLite, because that means the easiest install experience ever compared to other wikis that need a proper SQL server. And SQLite is notoriously limited in terms of concurrent access.
  • Serving even just 40 concurrent users is actually quite high. If you consider, say, 10 minutes per visit on average, that’s around 240 visitors per hour, or 1920 visitors per day if they’re all going to be mostly coming from the same time zone. That’s more than 50.000 visitors a month4.

Still, this is my first real web application, so there’s probably even more room for improvement. I’m always open to suggestions and constructive criticism, so check-out the code and see if you can spot anything stupid!

In the meantime, I’ve got some documentation to update, and a public test wiki to setup!

  1. It’s still missing a custom theme and a fancy logo, by the way. That will be coming as soon as I have any actual idea of what to do there! ↩︎

  2. That’s a referral link, by the way. ↩︎

  3. It’s not a typo. QCacheGrind is a Qt version of KCacheGrind, so that you don’t need to install KDE libraries, and it looks slightly less terrible. ↩︎

  4. The real issue is however how your site will behave if all of a sudden a lot of those visitors arrive at the same time. This is probably not uncommon if you have the kind of wiki where there can be announcements posted to a mailing list or a Facebook group, which can in turn get a lot of members to click the same link. ↩︎

Announcing Wikked

There hasn’t been any updates on this blog for a few months, and there was a good reason for that: I was working on someting new.

The problem is that I was trying to get this new project to a “good enough” state to launch publicly… but somehow I ended up in a seemingly infinite loop of improvements, refactorings, and bug fixing.

Eventually I snapped out of it: fuck it, let’s launch it as is, and see if anybody cares enough to complain that it’s not good enough. I wrote some basic documentation, fought with setuptools for packaging, and uploaded it to the Python package server.


So lo and behold, here is Wikked, a wiki engine entirely managed with text files sitting in a revision control system.

I think it’s pretty cool, so come read more about it after the break!


You’re too lazy to follow the link to the documentation? Here’s your quick start:

pip install wikked
wk init mywiki
cd mywiki
wk runserver

Text files again?

Yes, this is “Part 2” of my personal crusade to both learn about web technologies and have all my data in text files inside Mercurial or Git. I find it so much easier to manage and backup than some piece of data trapped in an SQL database or something.

It’s obviously not a magic bullet – for one, it doesn’t scale well – but for personal websites I find that it’s perfect.

What’s next

The plan for Wikked is to stabilize it, of course: fix any bugs, make it easier to deploy, make it more configurable. I’m also expecting having to add proper support for Git, as right now only Mercurial is fully supported to store page revisions.

Then, it needs a demo website. There’s one already, actually, but I need to make it a bit more solid, like a cron job that resets it to its original state every night.

Last, I want to get some proper feedback about the Wiki Syntax. It was mostly thrown together as I found I needed something for my own wiki, but I’m still not 100% happy about it.

Fly away, monkeys!

That’s it for now. Be sure to send me some feedback, and to report bugs. Especially the part about reporting bugs, because this thing has never seen any other computer than my laptop and my VPS, so it’s pretty much the mother of all “works on my machine”.

Enjoy! 🙂

PieCrust 1.1

It’s been long overdue, since PieCrust 1.0 was released more than 4 months ago, but at last it’s here: PieCrust 1.1!

Pumpkin pie

Every time I figure I will go with a “release small, release often” kind of philosophy, I still end up with more of a “wait, I’ll just get this last feature ready first” kind of vicious circle… sigh.

Anyway, grab the new release, or keep reading if you want to know about the most important changes. As always, big thanks go to the people who reported bugs and/or helped fix them, or generally participated in the evolution of PieCrust.

Removing deprecated stuff

The first, most important change is that anything that was marked as deprecated, and that usually triggered a warning message if you used it, has been removed. So if you’re still using it, it will just break or, worse, silently do something else.

Make sure you don’t have any of those warnings before you update.

Self updating

If you’re running PieCrust from an installed binary (a .phar file), you will be able to update it easily with the chef selfupdate command… well, not this time (you’ll have to re-run the installer), but next time!

By default, the installer gets you the stable version of PieCrust so if you run the selfupdate command, it will always get you the latest stable. But you could also switch to the master branch (where things are in development) by running chef selfupdate master. Running selfupdate (with no argument) from now on would get you the latest master version until you switch back with chef selfupdate stable.

I hope this will encourage people to update more often, and to not be afraid to try things out on the master branch.

Also, it’s probably not working 100% so make sure you report any issues with the self-updater 🙂

Post iterator improvements

The post iterator, the thing you get when you want to loop over pagination.posts or site.pages, has a few new tricks:

  • Each page object that it returns now has access to the assets of that page. This is pretty handy if you want to display thumbnails or something.
  • The iterator itself now has a few “magic” functions to make simple filtering easier and faster to do. You can use is_foo(value) or has_foo(value) directly on the iterator to filter pages that have the foo setting set to value, or to an array that contains value respecively. This saves you from having to use filter() and define a filter in the header.

Temporary caching

You likely have something in your website layout that has to be computed for each page, but ends up being the same all the time during a single bake operation. To speed this up, there’s a new pccache operator that you can use.

Check out the documentation, with an example where it’s used to only compute a tag cloud in a sidebar once per bake. That example is incidentally from my own blog, and it cut the baking times in half… so yeah, I highly recommend it.

New baking infrastructure

PieCrust is now using a brand new system to keep track of what it’s baking now, compared to what was baked last time. This means that it’s now possible to delete files that we know we created last time, but are not valid anymore:

  • A page or asset that was deleted.
  • A page that doesn’t generate as many sub-pages as before.
  • A whole bunch of files that moved because the post_url, or some other URL-generation setting, changed.


A few other noteworthy changes:

  • The .md and .textile file extensions are now added to the auto_formats by default, which means any file (page or blog post) with that extension will be treated as Markdown or Textile respecitively.
  • The concept of “variants”, i.e. different versions of your website’s configuration, are now generalized to the whole of chef. See the documentation about it.
  • There’s no sample website anymore. If you’re feeling nostalgic, however, you can get back that ugly piece of blue as a theme.

That’s it! Grab the new version by re-running the installer, or getting the new source code from Github or BitBucket (where you can also report any issues).

Fucking pick one

Paul Stamatiou has been getting a lot of attention about his article “Android Is Better”. And beyond the obvious flamebait (which seems to be working quite well), he makes a couple of points that I agree with:

  • Most people probably use more Google services (for good or bad) than Apple services, and will find the Android experience better integrated if they tried it.
  • Notifications on Android are a million times more useful and productive than on iOS.
  • It’s a lot easier to customize your phone to your specific workflows.
  • The back button and intents make it a lot easier to work between apps.

These are actually the main points that made me switch to Android a couple years ago, along with a bigger screen.

Some points however I disagree:

  • Google Now is not “magical”. It’s downright creepy and makes your device slow.
  • I don’t find Android’s UI inherently better or more elegant than iOS’, or vice-versa. I’m used to both either way.
  • You still find a lot more polished and refined apps on iOS, which is not to say they are more useful or functional, as people often mix up the two (if anything, Android’s ugly apps actually do more things). But since I’m not an app-whore – I must have only a dozen non-stock apps on my phone and they’re almost all cross-platform – I frankly don’t care. The only app I miss is Sparrow, but that bird is flying away.

Marco Arment has written a nice commentary on the story, where he first criticizes Stamatiou’s use of absolute statements (emphasis his):

Paul’s headline is his thesis, conclusion, and call to action: Android is better, and everyone should try it and will likely convert like he did. But after reading the article, I’m more convinced than ever that the best mobile platform for me is currently iOS.

That sentence contains two huge qualifiers: the best mobile platform for me is currently iOS. I’ve learned to write and think with a broader view, since it’s less insular and more accurately reflects reality. (The world is a big place.)

While reading Paul’s article, I was often struck by how differently he and I use the same technology.

His article exudes a narrow tech-world view by having no such qualifiers.

That’s fine, and as a guy who has always chosen his tech (hardware and software) based on specific needs, and not on generic opinions and reviews, I can’t agree more. I often say that if I ask a question like “what is the best X?”, and someone answers “it’s Y!” without even asking for more details about my situation first, I’m probably not going to listen to that person, quietly labeling him as fanboy or short-sighted in my mental notebook.

I wish Marco would talk to his online buddies about this, actually. For example, MG Siegler, once wrote:

I don’t know about you, but when I read my favorite technology writers, I want an opinion. Is the iPhone 4S the best smartphone, or is it the Galaxy Nexus? I need to buy one, I can’t buy both. Topolsky never gives us that. Instead, he pussyfoots around it. One is great at some things, the other is great at others. Barf.

Fucking pick one. I bet that even now he won’t.

Maybe he just doesn’t read reviews like I do. I just want a reliable opinion of what a product does well, and what it doesn’t. And then I’m going to decide which one is the best, based on what I need. But apparently, Siegler wants somebody to tell him which one is the best.

And then there’s John Gruber. I’m pretty happy with my Nexus 7, myself, but apparently “most people […] agree it was a turd”. In comparison, his first-generation iPad “works just as well as the day [he] bought it”. But oh, wait:

Update: A lot of pushback from readers on my claim above, arguing that their first-gen iPads have been rendered slow and unstable by iOS 5 (the last OS to support the hardware). My son uses mine for iBooks, watching movies, and playing games. Mileage clearly varies with other apps. (And yes, the App Store app in particular is a bit crashy.)

So yeah, mileage clearly varies on the iPad, but not the Nexus 7. And funny enough, my iPhone 3G was also rendered slow and unstable by iOS 4, the last OS to support the hardware. If I was paranoid, I would think Apple likes to leave users with a broken device to force them to upgrade, but hey, your mileage may vary, maybe your iPhone 3G is doing great.

In the end, it’s important to keep in mind that everybody’s got different requirements, budgets and usage patterns. One thing that often gets overlooked by Apple fans, for instance, is that in some countries (like here in Canada) you can’t get an iPhone unless you spend a minimum of $40-ish/month on a data plan. If you want a cheaper plan like me (I use a 500Mb plan which lets me do everything I want except streaming music/video), you have no choice but to go with another OS.

As far as I’m concerned, my iPad and my Nexus 7 get along fine in my backpack, and they must know I love them just the same – just for different things.

Image Comics going DRM-free

Image Comics is now selling DRM free digital comics on their website.

This is huge. Image Comics is the third biggest comics publisher in the U.S. after DC and Marvel. It “owns” famous titles like Spawn or The Walking Dead, and other very good series like Fatale, Invincible, Saga, or Morning Glories (I say “owns” with quotes because the whole concept of Image Comics is to publish creator owned comics, so those titles are actually owned by their respective authors).

With Comic-Con only a couple weeks away, they’re probably hoping (and I’m hoping too) that DRM free digital comics will be a hot topic of discussion, with them at the top. I mean, look at what Image Comics’ Eric Stephenson has to say about it:

My stance on piracy is that piracy is bad for bad entertainment. There’s a pretty strong correlation with things that suck not being greatly pirated, while things that are successful have a higher piracy rate. If you put out a good comic book, even if somebody does download it illegally, if they enjoy it then the likelihood of them purchasing the book is pretty high. Obviously we don’t want everybody giving a copy to a hundred friends, but this argument has been around since home taping was supposedly killing music back in the ’70s, and that didn’t happen. And I don’t think it’s happening now.

This is quite an enlightened view on piracy for someone in his position. My hat’s off to you, sir.

Now does that mean Comixology’s in trouble? Not quite yet, no:

  • First, Image Comics will still sell their issues through them – they’re just adding the option to buy directly from them for people who are, like me, quite keen on actually owning the stuff they buy.
  • Second, as far as I can tell, there’s no back catalog available yet, so you can only buy the new issues coming out now.
  • Third, there’s quite a difference between tapping a button in the Comixology app to buy and read a comic, and buying a comic on a website, downloading the file, transfering the file to your reader app, etc. One takes 2 seconds, the other 2 minutes (if you count storing a copy on your file server). Most people go (erroneously) for the faster and more convenient solution.
  • Fourth, I noticed that some issues are more expensive on the Image Comics website compared to Comixology.

But I’m cautiously optimistic. Hopefully, Image Comics will want to invest a bit in making their own sales portal better, so that they can get the whole price of an issue for themselves (I can only imagine what’s left from an iPad sale once Apple and Comixology have taken their cut…).

I’m crossing my fingers for Dark Horse to start removing DRM in a few months. Unlike DC and Marvel, they’re independantly owned, and have their own online store, so that puts them in the best position to follow suit. They may not be able to do it for their whole catalog (for example, licensed IPs like Star Wars, Buffy or Avatar may have constraints attached), but they could probably do it for titles like Hellboy and B.P.R.D, assuming Mike Mignola is on board with DRM-free comics. One can only hope…