The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

One more on the cloud

First, that's right, I said "cloud". In this day and age, you have to keep up with all the hype terms and buzzwords, otherwise you sound like you're from the 20th century.

Second, yes, here's anther blog about programming (mostly in .NET), even though there are thousands of those already. But Jeremy Miller, over at CodeBetter, posted about how I should really blog (well, not me specifically, but since I was reading, I'm pretty sure he was talking to me too):

I've been asked several times over the past month "Should I start a
blog?  What if…?"  The answer is yes, you should.  Or more
accurately, if you're interested in blogging you shouldn't feel afraid
to blog.

He then goes on and gives some pretty sensible "Good", "Bad" and "Ugly" points about starting a blog, along with demystifying the most common excuses for not starting a blog… And guess what? Well, too bad now, here's mine!

Now, however, I made Jeff Atwood sad and angry, as I've committed the sin of meta-blogging, but I guess you get a free pass for the first post, what with the need to introduce yourself and all.

Well, enough ranting for now. I hope to see you again later!