The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Being able to play “Everybody Knows That You’re Insane” on the drums is a good reason to try and stay fit

After several years of dusting my books every week, I figured that Kallax bookshelves are bullshit and upgraded to proper Billy shelves with doors. Plus: more room!

Nodding a lot at what the excellent @kennethhite says in this equally excellent “Investigative Roleplaying Masterclass” because I’m doing similar things in my games. I’m not saying that to look clever, but if that happens anyway it’s a happy coincidence!

Oh my, and now Dame Diana Riggs has passed away too. Let’s raise our glass for Mrs Peel who, we may not remember, only showed up half-way through the Avengers series, but made that second half unforgettable.

Kid 1 suddenly decided to write his first DnD adventure. The cool thing is that he’s including goblins the players can negotiate with, a reason for the monsters to be there, and a non-combat resolution option

One of my kids is currently explaining his ideas for a perpetual motion electric generator that would exponentially generate more electricity.

The other one explained earlier how many holes is “too many holes” in a sock.

The kids are super into Ultimate Beastmaster on Netflix so we made a fitness game while watching it:

Contestant starting: dumbbells reps!
Point thruster triggered: crunches!
Contestant finishing or falling: push-ups!
