Ramblings of General Geekery

Announcing the official Milkify website

The official website for Milkify is now open! Don’t be shy… download Milkify, and leave some feedback.

For those who don’t know about it, Milkify is a desktop client for Remember The Milk, written with WPF. It allows you to manage your tasks from the desktop, the same way Thwirl or Twitterrific manage your tweets. It’s got hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts, so managing tasks is easier and faster than in a web browser. I also have a few ideas up my sleeve to make Milkify really unique in the future, but I obviously need to make the basic functionality solid first.

The source code will still be available at CodePlex.


I was just adding CPPUnit to one of my projects. It ships with old VC6 workspaces, so you need to update them to the latest Visual Studio. While updating them to VS2005, I got a few of those little dialogs:

So? Yes or No? Choose wisely!