The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

It’s only fitting that I put this cute little “This is fine” guy in front of my Delta Green, Aleister Crowley, and Cthulhu Encyclopedia books.

A small vinyl statue of the "This is fine" meme in front of some books

My kid’s summary of the Thriller music video: “plot twist: it was fake! plot twist: it was true! plot twist: it was fake! plot twist: it was true!”

Infinity Pool (2023) was wild, satirical, and violent, but also quite flawed. I preferred Brandon Cronenberg’s previous two movies. Still worth it for Mia Goth’s delightfully unhinged performance, as expected.

I found a pioneer cemetery with several freemason graves… anyone up for some ghost conspiracy adventures?

The grave of James Lamb, died 1893, with a large freemason logo on the headstone.
A bunch of graves from various times in the past century, also featuring some freemason logos.
An old 1883 grave with a wooden, painted headstone. I guess this should be called a headplank?
Another old headplank, dated 1871.