Today’s one-line bug fix is brought to you by the whole of yesterday spent fighting a multitude of tools to start a simple debugging session on a PS4 devkit, yay!
Today’s one-line bug fix is brought to you by the whole of yesterday spent fighting a multitude of tools to start a simple debugging session on a PS4 devkit, yay!
Good morning… from a few days ago!
The number of GoFundMe campaigns for game designers seems to have gone up in the past few years, and it’s less “beloved designers are getting old” and more “if you’re a creative then move out of the US for fuck sake“
This is an interesting article about the “food culture” of the US vs other countries, but the most telling aspect is that it only deals with restaurants, even though 90%+ of what you eat is probably prepared yourself.
It’s hard to remember now but mid-2000s Microsoft was wild: XBLA, Media Center, Zune, UMPCs, and, yes, Home Servers with children’s books. Many goods ideas with bad execution, no follow-through, or both.
I was wondering lately what happened to the promising Cortex Prime system, and it turns out Graeme Barber has a good write-up of the situation. #TTRPG
In a recent KARTAS episode, Ken and Robin looked at this theft of millions of coins, failing to see that someone is obviously planning to infiltrate an army into Hades, but they need to pay Charon for each soldier
Behold! The eclipse!
Home made peach melba!
God’s Teeth is out in PDF for the Delta Green #TTRPG! It looks absolutely awesome, and I’m happy that it turns a seldom used Mythos deity into what looks like a terrifying thing.