The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

The Lighthouse (2019) is a gorgeously shot movie full of symbolism and questions that won’t be answered. Plus, great performances by Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson.

I’ve done quite a few bug-fixes to the UE5 Sequencer camera cut track lately, so if in 5.4 all the small edge case bugs are replaced by, like, other edge case bugs… well, you know.

It’s time once again to do a little dance with the Adobe subscription manager to avoid their stupid expensive full price tag… we wouldn’t have to do this if they had properly customizable plans.

Speaking of old-school French tech, I was just reminded of the 2005 “Nabaztag”, a sort of precursor to Alexa and other home assistants. It could also light up with different colours and, yes, move its ears.

A Nabaztag, a bunny-shaped home assistance internet device.

Renfield (2023) was absolutely fantastic! A hilarious premise featuring everyone’s favourite bug-eating vampire servant, ridiculously fun action scenes, a brilliant Nick Cage performance, and so many references to classic Dracula movies. I’ve already watched it twice.