The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Non-Fungible Trident just dropped. I own it. You can’t have it, because it’s mine! I’ve got proof!

A D&D-type item called "Non-Fungible Trident" that gives several combat and magic abilities, but that you can never actually use because all you have is a "proof of ownership" painting. Plus, others can make a DC 10 tool check to copy that painting :D

Youngest kid came around to say: “I’m closer to being a billionaire than Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk”

TANKHEAD is getting a “narrative artbook”, and here’s the trailer! If you don’t know about TANKHEAD, it’s easy: it’s WW2 but with giant mechs. Some of them are laser-gatling-wielding dinosaur robots. Good? Good.

Hey there, southern neighbours, I hope y’all are having a great Colonial Traitor Turkey Massacre Day! Have fun!