The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

The cult of Obsidian

This article from Fast Company has a bit of a click-baity title (I don’t know if Obsidian users are really “obsessed” with a piece of software), but it’s a pretty good round-up of why I really like Obsidian. I actually wouldn’t even describe my own usage of Obsidian as a “note-taking app”, and more as a “personal wiki” app. But of course, many people use Obsidian differently.

Anyway, I like that Obsidian has some grassroots origins and lets you just edit a bunch of text files that you can otherwise manage any way you see fit, as opposed to some venture capital-backed startup that uses “the cloud” or some proprietary format or whatever else. It’s extensible and pretty well written — in fact, it’s one of the rare Electron applications that doesn’t feel and behave like a giant turd. It feels light and fast. It does almost everything I need, and the rest is handled by an absolutely vibrant plug-in ecosystem.

In fact, I have one very simple plug-in myself, Remember File State, which does something that I hope Obsidian will eventually do itself: remember where you were in a file when you reopen it. Duh. At the time of writing, there are more than 5000 people using it.

I personally support the development of Obsidian by paying for their Sync service, which has been 100% reliable over the past year or two. You can of course achieve the same by syncing your notes via Dropbox or iCloud or whatever (Again, it’s just a bunch of text files! That’s the point!), but I like to send a few bucks to people who make good software.

I didn’t expect to love Succession as much as I did. The first two seasons flew by as I gleefully watched these horrible super-rich people be absolute assholes to each other and to the world. But where other TV series might have fallen into grand-guignol satire, this one stays very grounded, under a thin veneer of witty dark humour. Brilliant. Oh, and “fuck off!”

Reading up on the Eclipse Phase #TTRPG, it looks like Transhuman Space with some added horror and space opera, which is an intriguing combination… it sounds very interesting, if you’re OK with dense “everything plus the kitchen sink” settings. I still want to play Transhuman Space one day, though!

Everybody playing Cities Skylines 2: “It’s so buggy! And the performance is so bad!”

My kid, who played CS1 with a trillion mods that utterly tanked the game: “It’s actually totally fine!”

Our youngest kid has pulled a long con on us, doing all kinds of household chores without being asked for the past two weeks, only to finally ask for Cities: Skylines 2 yesterday with his cutest voice.