There is an increasing amount of customer-facing changes coming to many “big tech” products & services in the EU. The fact that these corporations are OK with the hurdle of maintaining geofenced feature variants tells you all you need to know about what they get from the rest of the world.
I had forgotten to fill the questionnaire for the Home Of The Bold #Glorantha free-form happening at Chaosium Con 2024… it’s now done! Can’t wait to learn what I’m gonna play! #TTRPG
Looks like something’s up again with the Hugo Awards, possibly worse than the Sad Puppies incident of the mid-2010s. This article seems very thorough in explaining the situation, even though what’s up with the Hugo administration team is still very obscure.
Sadly the ongoing Discworld Humble Bundle is US-only and Kobo-only so I can’t buy it… but remember that I can always play the Discworld #TTRPG, powered by (of all things!) GURPS! Yes!
Speaking of Apple, happy 40th birthday to the Mac! Given that each Macbook I owned lasted almost 10 years, I’d say that if you stuck with Apple computers, you might never have had to upgrade more than a couple times in your life!
Curious how Apple pundits who have been talking of the “post-PC world”, where iPads/iPhones are the only devices you’ll need, are also justifying Apple’s control over the App Store and iAP because iOS/ipadOS are not “general purpose computing”.
I had forgotten to share the chocolate drop for January! We’re pretty happy with this one because it’s a “back to basics” pick, without any fancy added flavours and bits. Again, courtesy of Origins Chocolate Bar.