Fastmail announced new prices for family plans. I can heartily recommend their service, it’s been pretty solid for us over the years.
Fastmail announced new prices for family plans. I can heartily recommend their service, it’s been pretty solid for us over the years.
Hey look, the BC government trying another thing to curb real-estate speculation… I hope it works. Funny how the ones speaking against it are the ones paid a commission on sales…
“They’re really things we shouldn’t need a law for, but unfortunately, we do”: B.C.’s planned law to ban protests in front of schools. I mean, 20 meters isn’t very far, but at least it prevents assholes from banging on windows, I guess.
“Deniers and doomers are leading the carbon tax opposition”: a reminder that the Conservatives’ “axe the tax” campaign is effectively lying to Canadians, and completely ignores the actual problem we’re trying to fix.
The Canadian egg and dairy supply and pricing management system is fascinating to me… and I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure bringing “competition” and “innovation” will lead to anything good to the business of raising chickens.
Woah, 160,000 dead trees to cut down in Stanley Park… that’s a lot of dead trees. 😟
Shannon Appelcline has another book out from the broader “Designers & Dragons” series of #TTRPG history: “This is Free Trader Beowulf”! It looks at the history of #Traveller, and it might answer many of my questions such as… “why are there so many editions?” 😂 Looks great!
It’s interesting to see big companies experimenting with source control software: I recently learned about Facebook’s Mercurial fork Sapling, and Google’s Jujutsu which wraps around a Mercurial/Git/other repo storage format of your choice.
Cloud appreciation post