The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

American Apple bloggers are calling 3rd party app stores laws from the EU & Japan hypocrite because they don’t include video game consoles… When I do my email, work, banking, and payments on a PS5, you can bet I’ll support government regulation in that space. Until then, I find this is really grasping at straws to defend corporations that don’t need defending.

Yesterday morning the good fluffy boy and I got caught in a heavy downpour… fun times. What is usually a little stream in the summer temporarily turned to a raging torrent

Yesterday we took the good fluffy boy up to Quarry Rock! Lots of people there to impress as he went into the ugly muddy pool at the top to cool down…

Today is European elections day for us Vancouver expats, and I want to share the sheer number of candidates and parties we can choose from… yes there’s even a cute kitten party!

All the pamphlets we received in the mail, spread across the table in no particular order. Except for the cute kitten party which I left on top for your pleasure.

Looking into the state of video game jobs for a friend’s kid, it looks like absolute shit: 80% of postings are for super senior devs with 15+ years of experience, 19% are for devs with 3-5 years of experience, and the final 1% is the obligatory intern program for tax breaks. Fucking hell.

I recently discovered haskap berries, and I can tell you that haskap berry jam is very very good

A jar of haskap berry jam from Monte Creek winery in Kamloops.

My youngest child is happy to share that last week’s groceries were a very satisfying $333.33, although apparently the cashier wasn’t super impressed.

A receipt for $333.33, submitted here as proof!