The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

We have recently changed our living-room TV from using a Roku to using an Apple TV, and let’s just say the family isn’t really impressed by the new gadget…

Life lessons from dog:

Find your stick, the thing you can chew on

Find your ball, the thing you love to play with

Find your puddle of water, where you can relax and have a drink

Find your bed, where you feel safe and can sleep soundly

This weekend at the park we saw a bunch of hawks for some reason (not common). Not sure what they are but I’m leaning towards juvenile Swaison’s Hawks?

“The return of piracy”: a good look at the terrible state of legal offerings for books and TV/movies. Remember: the only reason we’ve had decent legal music services was because of the sheer pressure of piracy in the early 2000s. Let’s bring that back.

It’s funny to see US corporations withholding new features in Europe, and US tech bloggers cheering as if it was “gonna show’ em” or something. These people completely forgot what a functioning government looks like. And also that normal people don’t care.