So yeah you can lose your job to AI… as in: you’re laid off and someone working on AI gets hired in your place. That’s not nearly in the top 3 worst things Intuit has done anyway.
So yeah you can lose your job to AI… as in: you’re laid off and someone working on AI gets hired in your place. That’s not nearly in the top 3 worst things Intuit has done anyway.
Fortnite now as useful as gut bacteria and rat neurons… yep, checks out!
Apple providing third-party access to NFC for wireless payment via other services than Apple Pay is an easy win for the DMA, but of course that’s only going to be enabled in Europe 😔
These small little birds are bad-ass. They give zero fucks to the big dog trying to shoo them away from “his” backyard and even, I think, taunt him with their little annoying chirps. Good on you, little bird.
So apparently the key elements of Canadian military defence include… (check notes) a hangar in Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
“Feds look to limit farmers’ ancient practice of saving seed”: every now and then I learn a new, shocking, face-palming fact about the farming industry and how greed keeps fucking it up.
“Insurance companies financed fossil fuels to the tune of $19.5 billion in 2023”, and other ways insurance companies are clever, evil bastards. “As soon as these weather events tilt over from being accidents to being predictable, then they’re not really insurable”
Steve Jackson Games’ Pyramid Magazine Volume 2 is now available as an HTML archive! Oh the good old times…
Sony is stopping production of consumer writable Blu-ray disks. They still make them for other businesses like movie studios, but it’s obvious that will go away (along with the concept of “ownership”) as everybody transitions to streaming & licensing. Piracy remains attractive.
Yesterday we saw this banger classic that is “Pirates of the Caribbean” at the Orpheum with the Vancouver Symphonic Orchestra playing the soundtrack live. It was great, with the audience cheering enthusiastically during the best moments. Great job by the VSO!