My DAC was giving out static while turning the volume button, and I finally decided to investigate. I found a super quick solution in a 10 years old Reddit post! Thank you past Redditor.
My DAC was giving out static while turning the volume button, and I finally decided to investigate. I found a super quick solution in a 10 years old Reddit post! Thank you past Redditor.
There haven’t been any blog posts about some of my open-source projects in a while and the reason for this is two-fold. First, I’ve been lazy about that side of my hobbies while I’ve been re-allocating my free time to writing and illustrating roleplaying game books. Second, I’ve actually discontinued a couple of my main projects: PieCrust and Wikked.
Prep for my Friday group’s next interlude game: Mothership! After that, we try Spire! Sadly, the good fluffy boy is uninterested in helping #TTRPG
Looks pretty nice out there this morning!
Good morning lovely people!
Any trip between, let’s say, 50km and 500km is almost always more effectively done via high-speed train than driving or flying. North Americans need to realize that and invest in their rail network.
“The solution the Canadian economy badly needs: high-speed rail”: YES! You all know I’m biased on this but YES. Really, people in North American need to spend a few years in Europe to understand how amazing fast trains are.
Good morning lovely people! Here is a fluffy good boy sitting next to botanic good boys.
We could see years ago that Apple is eventually going to be a services-first company, this shouldn’t be a shocking realization. What might happen? IMHO, just like the Mac, the other devices will go through a bad period before Apple realizes they need them.
Good morning lovely people!