The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Gamemaster screens aren’t there to prevent #TTRPG players from peeking and cheating. They prevent spoilers (such as when you have a Bestiary book open with a big-ass monster illustration on the page), and add vertical real estate for extra information that would otherwise not fit on the table.

European Apple bloggers: “We actually like this European iOS! And we don’t miss that AI stuff anyway.”

US Apple bloggers: “You’re wrong! Government oversight sucks!”

It’s so fun to watch Americans get all upset about this.

You know what I haven’t done in way too long? YES you’re GODDAMN RIGHT, it’s a RHUBARB PIE, bitches!

Ah, finally, it is that time of the year during which walking outside my house without paying attention gets me a face full of spider webs, possibly with the spider

The little alley behind my house… you either see it or you don’t!