The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Crazy theory: the decline of seeing movies in theatres in favour of streaming them at home was caused by movies becoming so long that a critical mass of people need a bathroom break in the middle, and therefore the ability to pause the movie.

Today in American Apple journalism, Ireland is a country that “supports successful companies”, and not the tax loophole that every worldwide corporation uses to evade paying billions of dollars for their business across Europe and beyond. I’m always impressed by this sort of mental gymnastic of libertarian tech-exceptionalism.

Good morning! Yesterday evening I finally finished reading the horror classic that is Junji Ito’s “Uzumaki” And, no, I hadn’t read it before.

Personal message to Kirie: hey, how much crazy shit do you need to witness before you listen to Shuichi and get the fuck out?!