The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

I really hate that they’re doing this Lion King CGI remake — not only because it looks boringly and unimaginatively photorealistic, but also because it exists at all.

Fun fact: it looks like I had been releasing new versions of Wikked last year without every pushing the code to Github or Bitbucket… it’s now done!

“How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World” micro-review: on par with the second movie, i.e. quite inferior to the (brilliant) first movie, but still enjoyable. Nice conclusion to the overall story, love the scenes with Ruffnut. B

Captain Marvel was super fun, but prioritizing jokes over characters, and with many weaknesses in the story, it barely missed making it into my top third MCU movies. Solid Brie, cool tie-ins, nice kitty, and some impressive shots. B+

One of humanity’s great mysteries is how to properly implement TypeDescriptionProvider.

I’m kinda shocked: I installed a new graphics card and everything went well! No “shit, no more room on my motherboard" or “oh great the power supply died" or “drivers are fucked” or anything of the sort!

To celebrate the (just over) 10 years since the release of the first Frostbite game, the team made this video! Check out my sexy face but, more importantly, try and spot the close-up shot of my awesome keyboard!

I was wondering why my Mastodon notifications weren’t working these past few weeks and apparently its streaming service had stopped running all that time. Yay, Mastodon. Don’t change.

The Burnaby South by-elections were a bit of a joke, with only a 30% voter
turnout, the PPC lady reaching 10%, and the whole liberal candidate debacle…
Jagmeet won as predicted so at least we’ll get to see if he can do something
with the NDP now: