The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

It took me a whiiiiile to understand that this icon on my glove finger means that I can use them on a touch screen… (which is neat)

You know you’re looking at a French RPG convention when you have never heard of 80% of the games listed in the schedule…  😅

Unapologetically Pacific Northwestern, these wooden dice from Adventure Dice look so nice on a rainy day!

I usually don’t pay too much attention to GoFundMe campaigns, but when the people in need are the original designers and illustrators of RuneQuest, I figure I can pitch in a bit:

The Covid-19 stats of bi-lingual countries where one of the cultures is French remind us that, well, French people are fucking stupid

Just watched The Goonies with the kids… let’s just say that this movie still has it!