The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

I watched The Old Guard on Netflix last night and was pleasantly surprised by how close it stayed to the original comicbook… and when the credits rolled I realized Greg Rucka wrote the screenplay 😊 I’m really hoping to see it picked up for a sequel or a short series.

The D&D poll that WotC released yesterday has zero questions about any other games we play. So apparently they either assume D&D players only play D&D, or they just don’t care. That does not reflect well on WotC in my opinion

I’m browsing the FreeLeague website, trying to tell myself that I don’t need any more RPG books right now… when there’s a knock on the door and I get this from the postman. Oh well. 😋

Latest old RPG acquisitions! Including one with a surprising name on the cover!

Is there a name for the dissonance between the art styles you wish you could do, and the ones you end up doing? Like, besides “shit, I suck so bad, I gotta practice 10 more years”?

I’m happy to have finally tracked down the last couple Cyberpunk 2020 books I had as a kid. Particularly dear to my heart is Solo Of Fortune, with its live action photos and in-world writing style!

When the pandemic hit, the movie poster for “Cats” was the one sitting atop the local mall cinema… so we’ve had this “Cats” poster there for the past 6 months. Kind of appropriate for the times. 🐱😅

The wife gave me this joker gift… can’t wait to drink out of it on my first face to face game! (if we ever go back to those)

I received my Tactical Tokens! When are we playing RPGs face to face again?