The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Fed up with the smoke already? Fed up enough to start voting and asking for real climate change action? Or are y’all going back to business as usual by next month when it clears up?

I also realized I had a spare White Bear & Red Moon map from an incomplete set. I might frame that one too!

I had some spare damaged boxes that an eBay seller sent me while I was completing my Glorantha games collection, so I framed them! And now I’m thinking of turning the rest into bookmarks…

Being able to play “Everybody Knows That You’re Insane” on the drums is a good reason to try and stay fit

After several years of dusting my books every week, I figured that Kallax bookshelves are bullshit and upgraded to proper Billy shelves with doors. Plus: more room!

Nodding a lot at what the excellent @kennethhite says in this equally excellent “Investigative Roleplaying Masterclass” because I’m doing similar things in my games. I’m not saying that to look clever, but if that happens anyway it’s a happy coincidence!

Oh my, and now Dame Diana Riggs has passed away too. Let’s raise our glass for Mrs Peel who, we may not remember, only showed up half-way through the Avengers series, but made that second half unforgettable.

Kid 1 suddenly decided to write his first DnD adventure. The cool thing is that he’s including goblins the players can negotiate with, a reason for the monsters to be there, and a non-combat resolution option