The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Yay, my first Obsidian plug-in, “remember-file-state”, has been published! If you’re using Obsidian for your writing or note taking, you should check it out!

Amazing how much Apple is running ads for their iCloud subscriptions to me right in their OSes and I can’t opt out. I gave you plenty of money already, Tim, dammit!

Malignant was quite fun once I was past the shock of seeing a ridiculously cheesy horror movie in 2021. The prison scene alone was worth it!

So the years of shitty Apple product line-ups for serious pros was really because Apple had everything on bad-ass long-term R&D, eh?

Another deep thought from the kids: swiper can’t stop swiping because that’s not only his name, it’s his nature.

We showed our kids Die Hard this weekend and at the end one of them exclaimed “hey why didn’t we watch this for Christmas?!”. So, you know, that settles that debate.

Always nice to see some eagles flying overhead while running errands in the neighborhood

Kickstartled: when you receive a big Kickstarter package that you forgot was finally coming, and it’s much bigger than you expected. For example: