The Harn “Kingdom of Melderyn” hardcover Kickstarter is live!
The Harn “Kingdom of Melderyn” hardcover Kickstarter is live!
Haha I love this thing: “Nestflix”, a fake Netflix for movies that only exist inside other movies:
The blood moon rises again!
Wait no, fuck, that’s the sun
Operating Systems timeline and family tree… 830 OSes so far. Wow.
“Canadians want a wealth tax and are willing to vote for it”. Nice to see this sentiment growing…
Here’s an interesting report of a half-trans-Canadian trip using an electric car.
Huh, kind of a sad start for a series I really enjoy
If you haven’t tried Affinity’s product line yet as an alternative to Adobe Creative Suite, now’s the time! They have announced dramatic performance improvements across the board!
I have zero illusion that Apple’s “child safety” features will be used with non-CSAM image banks and lower thresholds in several countries eventually. But we will likely know about it only years after it starts happening.
Ooof… that’s very sad for Firefox, even though it’s become WAY better in the past couple years than it had been in the previous 10. Please use Firefox!