The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

It’s been a long time since I last visited MacLeod’s… here’s today’s haul! A mix of art and writing references…

Current status: re-watching Conan The Barbarian with the wife to establish some baseline word associations that were missed in a recent fame of Codenames: Duo…

It’s #PortfolioDay so let’s participate for the first time! I’m a French & Canadian (but not French-Canadian!) half-black game programmer by day, and aspiring #ttrpg illustrator and writer by night. I hope you like these!

The excellent Origins Chocolate Bar in New Westminster is doing chocolate subscription boxes! Here’s their selection for January (I took the safe “dark chocolate” subscription). Visit them and/or subscribe!

People of the Lower Mainland! If you want some real good French croissants and other baked goods, I just realized that Ca Croustille Bakery is delivering every week-end! Go go go!

And by the way, having only very recently upgraded to a Face ID iPhone, the face recognition unlock’s only upside so far is to easily unlock your phone when you have gloves on.

It took me a whiiiiile to understand that this icon on my glove finger means that I can use them on a touch screen… (which is neat)

You know you’re looking at a French RPG convention when you have never heard of 80% of the games listed in the schedule…  😅