Hahaha, the Alexandrian is taking a short break for roleplaying games to bring you this funny look at one of the many ways Marvel Comics is a giant mess.
Hahaha, the Alexandrian is taking a short break for roleplaying games to bring you this funny look at one of the many ways Marvel Comics is a giant mess.
Hard day for the fluffy good boy.
So far the Apple Intelligence ads I keep seeing on YouTube are so super cringe. It looks to me like the feature is marketed to assholes and grifters.
Humble Bundle is doing more and more shady stuff… not only do they default to “not very good” splits between creator, charity, and themselves, they also have this dark UI pattern where the sliders are totally not on the same scale:
The lair of nécromant-witch lies within a grove of tall dark trees. Some days a thousand crows cry, keeping the souls of her victims past and future at bay. Some days the eerie silence cannot be broken. Always the fog clings to the cursed marsh around it.
“American Suburbs Are a Horror Movie and We’re the Protagonists”: this is the kind of bullshit you get when you build cities entirely around cars. Most of the US fucked up, and I really hope urban planners elsewhere take note.
“Musk’s satellites ‘blocking’ view of the universe”: oh look, another thing that Elon Musk is ruining!
“How Capitalism Incentivizes the Destruction of Art”: Yes, yes, and yes. And I’m still quite upset that I’m not able to see “Coyote vs Acme”, dammit.
“Google Serving AI-Generated Images of Mushrooms Could Have ‘Devastating Consequences'”: AI bullshit is creeping up everywhere, but on the other hand, using Google to check if a mushroom is edible would have always sounded stupid to me.
I just spent a couple hours with a bunch of 13-year-olds, and after listening to their various discussions, my first thought is “I should really cut off all and any access to internet for my kids”…