The Stochastic Game

Ramblings of General Geekery

Here’s my Chaosium autumn bundle, fresh from the friendly postman! I probably won’t get to the bottom row anytime soon, but I will definitely start reading the top row right away!

Haha, the Pendragon 6th edition QuickStart/preview includes one drawing of a woman knight somewhere on a page and there are a couple people getting angry and “worried” on the forums. I shouldn’t be surprised but still…

We watched Return Of The Jedi tonight with the kids and one of them named the ewoks “mini fluffy grizzly bears” but then changed it to “hamster Chewbaccas”, and I think that second one is a winner…

Well that’s it, I delivered my first (quite rough in places) draft of “The Parchments of Tam” for the Journal d’Indochine Kickstarter… 27k words of Mythos-infused spy thriller action in 1945 Hue!

Well, it looks like I don’t need to think too much about who to vote for in my district…

I hadn’t paid attention lately to the news in France but hey guess what? Looks like the government thought it would be a good idea to establish a curfew in big cities to flatten the second Covid-19 wave. That’s gonna go well with French people right? 😑😑

The stupid limitations of iPadOS are reaching a point where I’m just gonna say “fuck it” and buy a Cintiq to continue doing further semi-serious illustration work… 😑😤💸