Ramblings of General Geekery

Notes on Numenera

Numenera is a science-fantasy game set in the far, far, far distant future, with some lightweight and somewhat original system, all written by Monte Cook.

On paper, it ticked a lot of boxes for stuff I’m interested in, so I brought it to my Friday group a few years ago. We played a dozen sessions or so and… well, we weren’t much into it and dropped it for something else. Still, there are a few cool things to take away from Numenera! Here are my notes!

Disclaimer: we played Numenera several years ago, using the game’s first edition. Since then Monte Cook published a new edition, called Numenera Discovery and Destiny. I have no idea what changed in that second edition.

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Do you need a good fluffy boy in your timeline? Of course you need a good fluffy boy in your timeline! Here’s one!

A good fluffy boy with one of his favourite balls, lying down on frosted grass.

Hello everyone! It’s a nice brisk and frosty morning here. The good fluffy boy is complaining that the sticks are too cold to pick up 😄

Oh wow, sad news this morning. RIP David Lynch. I still have fond memories of watching the first season of Twin Peaks on several-times-copied VHS tapes in high school, and sharing theories with all my friends…

My other birthday gift this year was this “Overlook Hotel” tea mug. Look what happens when you pour tea in it.

Later today I will be on an Inside Unreal live stream, tagging along members of the #UE5 animation team. They will show some cool new 5.5 animation stuff, and I will be showing a little bit of the new camera system!