Ramblings of General Geekery

I’m sad but totally not surprised by today’s news about Bioware. And make no mistake: the official communication from EA is full of corporate speak, but people were definitely laid off or assigned to projects they’re not interested in. Good luck to y’all out there.

UE5 Gameplay Cameras: Parameterization

This is the third article in my developer diary about the Gameplay Cameras (GPC) plugin for Unreal Engine 5. It comes a day late because my workspace is in the middle of a big refactor — nothing compiles and I can’t take screenshots! 😅 In the end, I used some old screenshots and videos I had captured a couple weeks ago… oh well.

One of the big improvements in GPC that you’ll see in UE 5.6 is what I call the “parameterization” of Camera Rigs. This is a fancy made-up term that refers to the various ways you can pass values and data into a running Camera Rig, and somehow use that to affect its behaviour. Let’s look into it!

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