Ramblings of General Geekery

A quintessential Vancouverite dinner, Japadog. If you don’t know what that is, all you need to know is in the name! 🇯🇵🌭

The British Columbia election results are so ridiculously close that, for the second time since we moved here, we are reminded that every vote counts. I guess we are headed to an NDP+Green government, which is good I guess, it’s nice the see the Green party having some power.

A screenshot of the current election results for the BC provincial election. The NDP (left wing) and Conservative (right wing) parties are tied with 40 seats each, while the Green Party has 2 seats. Pending recounts, the NDP may lead by 1 seat, with 6 extra seats vs 5 extra seats for the Conservatives. We will know in a bout a week or so.

I backed the Ars Magic Definitive Edition crowdfunding, but the thing that gave me pause was the marketing around a “massive” and “expanded” rulebook. I don’t want massive #TTRPG rulebooks! Why is everybody making rulebooks bigger with every edition? Can’t we go back to <256 pages?

Good morning everyone! The theme for this week’s morning has been “nice weather and lots of crows”.