I had a whole bunch of leftover cardboard boxes from all those RPG books I ordered recently… so I had to do something with them! What do YOU do with your cardboard? (and yes I need to add some Runes and decorations)

I had a whole bunch of leftover cardboard boxes from all those RPG books I ordered recently… so I had to do something with them! What do YOU do with your cardboard? (and yes I need to add some Runes and decorations)
I found a stash of old unused stickers so I decided to decorate my old Linux laptop!
I’ve got the week off so I figured I would start it by updating my RPG book collection over on RPGGeek… I have now passed the 400 items mark! Errr…. yay?
Well that’s it, I’m officially a Kickstarter “superbacker” now apparently. Does that mean I have a problem? Should I hold off on backing RPGs? More importantly is there a way to hide this from my wife? 😅
That’s a pretty good video on Moore’s run on Marvelman. I want to re-read those books now! https://www.youtube.com
The Boy was a decent movie with a fun (though ultimately unoriginal) twist. The Boy 2 takes that twist, turns it around, and fucks it up into the stratosphere of stupidity. Uugggh.
I cleaned up my shelves so it’s time for a shelfie! “Featured” books rotate about monthly. The last picture shows the books currently checked out by me. The 5e books missing from the slipcase are in the older kid’s room.