Ramblings of General Geekery

I’m reading Fate of Cthulhu (pretty good so far!) but there’s something deeply wrong in a time-travel setting where you have to “go back to 2020” to fix the future… 2020 was supposed to be future! I’m so old! Aaaaah 😅😭

Watching GalaxyQuest again! Damn, this movie is so good. Best Star Trek movie ever.

So… which Delta Green scenario do you think I should run at TCTC? Puppet Shows & Shadow Plays? Music from a Darkened Room? Operation FULMINATE? Last Things Last? Something else? Help, I can’t decide! 😅

Oh joy, my Yellow King RPG arrived! With the, ahem, few little bonus things I got along with it. Am I ever gonna get a reading pile of decreasing size? Need more free time and more players!

It’s very nice of David Bowie and his estate to have released a Bowie-related thing on my birthday for the past several years. Keep it coming!

I got a used copy of RuneQuest’s Runemasters and I love that there are a few scribbles in there, like apparently some party cut this troll’s right arm years ago! What happened then?! So intriguing!

Now is the time to ask the eternal question that mankind has struggled with since the dawn of consciousness: “what the fuck was I working on before the holiday break?”